Russell's early associates

by Old Goat 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    I'm trying to help Schulz and de Vienne locate reseach material. They are, as you may know, the authors of a biography of Nelson Barbour. They are putting the finishing touches on the first volume of their next book, a history of Russell and the Watch Tower up to about 1887. A third book is planned.

    Dr. de Vienne tells me they have located a run of A. D. Jones' magazine but can't afford the microfilm costs. (Over 300 dollars she says.) They're located in Washington, D. C. As a poor second to reading through them, she would like to find a willing volunteer who would view the paper and take digital photos. If you can volunteer (I can't. Live on the wrong coast.) semd me a private message and I'll put you in touch with Dr. de Vienne.

    She is also looking for any issues of H.B. Rice's Last Trump, published in Oakland CA back in 1879. I've never seen this.

    She has some issues of Paton's World's Hope. She and Dr. Schulz would like to see more. If you have any, send me a private message and, again, i'll put you in touch.

    I've lent them a number of things, but, while i have a descent library of my own, I don't have much of what they need. I hope one of you does.

    There blog is here:

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