'Deserving' to die

by jambon1 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jambon1

    Personally, I never got this.

    A person is born a sinner & thus deserves to die. This is at the forefront of religion. It is the axis that it spins on, making people dependant on their religion/god for freedom from their cursed condition. Romans 5:12.

    But, if you actually think about it - how can a person deserve to die?

    We don't individually choose life. It is all down to a serious of chances.

    It's like inflicting a punishment on someone for something they never did.

    How can grown adults, with the ability to reason & follow logic believe that a person somehow deserves to die an agonising death from cancer at the age of 40? Watch this link & tell me that these children deserved this horriffic illnes because of the sin of a man thousadns of years ago.


    Think about it.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    It's not the case that everyone deserves to die; it's inbuilt into humankind, and the truthful fact is that from the moment a person is conceived in the womb, they are immediately on death row for approximately 840 months! (3 score years and 10)

    So then, an individual has a choice - whether to believe that there is a release from this guaranteed death sentence via the Creator's promises, or that as a species, we screwed up big-time while evolving, by not retaining such things as painless childbirth (like every other species) and the same longevity as tortoises!

    Other beliefs are available!

  • Heartofaboy

    Sheesh, 840 months do not sound that long.

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