My thoughts on ex-Jw 'activism'

by Rufus T. Firefly 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rufus T. Firefly
    Rufus T. Firefly

    I have noticed several threads discussing the pros and cons of certain ex-JWs who become “activists” toward active JWs. I don’t know why anyone would find this to be odd; after all, JWs consider it their God-given duty to expose religious error and apostasy in other religious organizations. Anyone who was ever a JW knows this to be true. So, why would anyone think it odd for ex-JWs to feel compelled to warn active JWs of apostasy found within the Watchtower organization?

    I am amused by active JWs who disregard their organization’s admonition about creating websites for posting recordings of talks given by elders of various ranks or engaging ex-JWs in debates on various discussion forums and who display a very arrogant attitude as if they consider themselves to be spiritually mature individuals. Then they become outraged when the corruption of the WTBTS is pointed out to them. That clown named Klemetti who administers the JWTalks Yahoo Group comes to mind. What a joke! One imagines that he considers that his special ministry and reports the time spent posting those recordings of talks.

    Sorry if I pissed anyone off with this post. Sometimes you just gotta get it off your chest, ya know?

  • Gopher

    Well Groucho,

    I think it depends on the type of activism that you mean. If it's the confrontational kind, that will rarely work with JW's. Confronting them only serves to reinforce their loyalty to "their" mother organization. If it's along the lines of providing helpful information - that has worked (when the JW is ready to consider it). If it's on doctrine, it rarely works. Maybe some people would leave JW's because the '7 Gentile Times ending in 1914' teaching is shown to be based on a false date, but more will leave if they can believe that they will be okay (not all alone, not evil) if they leave.

    The JW's who post anonymously "engaging in debates with ex-JWs" are so blind and misguided - they are probably miserable loners who can't get a position in the organization and can't find anyone to love them because of their personality. (I've long since tired of debating with them; it's like talking to a wall.)

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