Sophisticated Theology is nothing but background STATIC to me.

by nicolaou 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou

    Probably won't win any friends with this one but here goes . . .

    Some of the more thoughtful and intelligent believers here may object that atheists only address 'unsophisticated' arguments about the existence of God or Noah's Flood or the literal account of creation in Genesis. Perhaps you think we ignore the 'sophisticated' arguments that might actually answer our objections.

    Well in my case your pretty much correct.

    My mind turns to mush when 'sophisticated' debate takes over on questions of faith and doctrine. It's the rumble of a washing machine, T.V static, white noise . . .

    If you bring no actual evidence to support your position I can dismiss your claim summarily without subjecting myself to another headache induced by so-called 'sophisticated theology'.

    It's just sophistry.



  • rmt1

    The innovative creationist would reject your dismissal by asserting truthfully that 1% of the static you see on your pre-cable tv is from the cosmic microwave background and that since asjkajhf uiyi hghg kjkj poooiu ioyui ye ,m,ml kpojhj dfdgfdgfdg jhjhkjknn knkkhhgg ooppoioj jhbmnb7, these things considered in conjunction prove conclusively that you are seeing the very face of the Ultimate Grand Designer of All of Existence that you deny.

  • Gopher

    Sophisticated theology = sophistry.

    Sophistry is "the use of reasoning or arguments that sound correct but are actually false".

  • nicolaou

    I'm not going to pepper this thread with JWN examples of Sophisticated Theology/Sophistry but if you'd like to know what I mean I recommend a look at Tammy's posts in Cofty's topic . .

    The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday

    . . one can test what is written... against Christ (asking Him if you can/do hear Him... or at the least comparing what is written against His own words; since it is Him we must listen TO; He who is the Truth and the Word of God). And it is only seems ambiguous or vague to hear the spirit if you do not believe the spirit speaks or how the spirit speaks. Takes practice once you do come to understand that He is alive and speaking, as well you can ASK to hear Him. (to have your ears opened) Like learning how to use a muscle that you didn't even know you had, much less used before.

    A dog speaks like a dog. A dolphin like a dolphin. A human like a human. A spirit like a spirit.

    Just oneexample of the stultifying, coma-inducing, Chopraesque verbiage that discharges regularly into our online home . . .

  • Etude

    Sophisticated Theology is like masturbation. It's pretty good, but it's never as good as having sex with a lady (or lad if that's your fancy). You can yank philosophically here and massage theologically there but it will never be as good as a decent shot of reality. Sophistry=Mental Masturbation.

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