May Day

by Stephanus 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    The day where commie malcontents start rioting and smashing the windows of McDonald's restaurants everywhere.

    Here is a poster advertising last years bash that I couldn't resist taking a photo of. Note the spelling of "tyranny" - aren't these guys supposed to be uni students?

  • invisible


    Did someone just swear in here? Mc, Mc, Mc, I can't even bring myself to speak of that unspeakable company. I absolutely detest McDonalds and would willingly join any anti-global capitalists in tearing them down. Almost as much as ....

    In peace


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Yeah, just on my way in to join the window smashers now.
    Keeping an eye on them for my buds in the "Shadow Government".
    Cant say any more..."National security", and all that.

  • DanielHaase

    Ah well. I'dd rather see a burned-out McDonald's and/or Starbucks than proper spelling.

  • Stephanus
    I absolutely detest McDonalds and would willingly join any anti-global capitalists in tearing them down.

    I see. So you've not left the Watchtower and its mindset - identifying a group as the enemy and doing your best to demonise it. Unlike socialist collectives, McD's doesn't force anybody to do anything; if you don't want to eat their crap, you don't have to. If you reject Stalin's or Fidel's propaganda crap, you die, or at least do a long stint in prison or work camps. I prefer the former (freedom of choice) to the latter, thank you very much!

    I always laugh at the anti-Globalisation terrorists - they do the march in their Nike shoes and go to McDonald's or KFC after the march is over.

  • SexKitten

    Yeah! or smash the windows in world dominational Macca's then after all that hard work it's time to sit down and have some macca's while the camera's are still on them.
    Such brillance, such cleverness!
    I can't take the sheer genuisness of these academic![8>]

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