Prince Charles on Religous Intolerance

by Latte 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Latte

    Prince Charles has just been on the news, after having attended a function promoting religous tolerance. I think I might just send his site an e-mail, explaing just how it really is within the JW community.

    I kinda like this guy………….

    Charlie’s words…….

    I know that everyone in Whitechapel, Muslim or otherwise, will be welcome to be a part of the London Muslim Centre.
    This can only be right. After all, the history of the East London Mosque Trust shows many non-Muslim Trustees amongst its ranks. On a deeper level, the Christian, Jew and Muslim shares on an inner religious plane many of the same spiritual beliefs - in one divine God, in the transience of our earthly life, in our accountability before God for our actions, and in the assurance of life to come.

    We also share many key social values - compassion, tolerance, respect for family and the community, belief in justice and the search for greater wisdom and understanding. In fact, there is, I believe, far more that unites than divides the different faiths in this country, if only people would spend the time to investigate. Nobody has a monopoly on the truth.

    To recognise that is, I believe, a first step to real wisdom, and a vital blow against the suspicion and misunderstanding that too often characterises the public relationships between different faiths.

    COMMONWEALTH GAMES - a force for good, unity?

    Some interesting comments from around the globe -

    My children are both doing projects at school to do with the commonwealth games. Should be good !


    If we insist on living our lives for the future we stand the danger of neglecting t

    he present (David Baird)

  • Matty

    Chaz spends a lot of time going into Temples & Mosques and stuff these days. When he's king he will be the leader of the Church of England - but clearly he is not happy with this title. He has previously said that he wants to be a "defender of all faiths". How genuine is he? Is he just fearful of how divisive religion is, rather than celebrating the diversity of religion?

  • Simon

    I wish I'd got tickets for this one now ... we went to the one in Edmonton when we were little and I still remember it.

    It was the only time I ever saw the queen (yeah, I had to go abroad to do it!)

    For all the WatchTower and Awakes about religious intollerance what the WTS really mean is everyone should tollerate them while their adherants remain closed minded zealots.

  • Matty

    When you said Edmonton & abroad it confused me - I thought you meant the one in North London, Doh - obviously you are talking about the one in Alberta!

    Yes, that's an interesting point about religious intollerance - as you know, it is mentioned all the time, but it always seems a bit rich from a religion that says that it is the one truth, and everyone else is going to oblivion!

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