Just a funny thing to me, that I found out last week

by Crazyguy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazyguy
    So the head of the elders the cobe or whatever their called was the one who talked with me when I had doubts. Or I should say came running when my wife called the elders on me. He while not really looking at my 10+ page document proving one of their major doctrines wrong and trying to find out my true motives. He was also the one that called a JC on me when he said I was trying to teach him something. Anyway found out last week that his oldest child which recently moved out on their own has now moved in with her worldly boy friend. Oh snap! lol
  • kairos

    I really expect a mass awakening.

    The confusion from within as people keep "falling out of the truth" will be overwhelming.
    That's my opinion.

  • stuckinarut2
    Maybe if he took care of his own family instead of sticking his nose into your business, he would have seen that coming??
  • DesirousOfChange

    Another self-righteous azzhole who gets to eat crow. NOT gracious on the palate by any means.


  • SafeAtHome
    Maybe the bit of good that comes from this is he will be more understanding and empathetic of others now that something has happened in his family. Or, maybe not if he is a complete hard nose.
  • Phizzy

    " The confusion from within as people keep "falling out of the truth" will be overwhelming.
    That's my opinion." Kairos.

    I certainly hope so, it must make them think, as I pointed out to an Uber JW Elder, these ones who are leaving are people who once believed, and lived, the "truth", why have they rejected it, what is wrong with it ?

    He did not reply, and is still a dyed in the wool J.W. You cannot make people think, especially those forbidden to do so.

    But many will feel the discomfort of so many rejecting the JW "religion". I do love your story

    I do love your story Crazyguy, and have seen many instances like it over the years, only one Elder that I know of voluntarily resigned because of family members actions, the others hung desperately on to their position, or were asked to resign. I guess your COBOE is still an Elder.


    Anyway found out last week that his oldest child which recently moved out on their own has now moved in with her worldly boy friend.

    That`s what happens when your busy,minding someone else`s business..

  • FayeDunaway
    I agree with safeathome, maybe he will be more merciful of others now and not so self righteous. And I wish the best for his daughter, may she find happiness in her new home and newfound freedom.
  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    Young people are all about being connected and finding out stuff in the Web. They are leaving in droves. Mentally they are just gone. Good for them. This is otter bs and such a huge waste of time!


  • Crazyguy
    Just an update: the girl of the elder is baptized moved out and then moved in with her worldly boyfriend. Ok so she's not going to meetings from what I hear and is not in the same congregation as her parents anymore, but she has not been DF'd either. What the hell!? I know of a brother that was DF'd for just having a female friend that he would go out with and hang out with etc. but never laid hands on her. What's going on, are they letting ones alone if their not active now or what? Or is this just because its the elders daughter?

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