Is there a situation where all went RIGHT except JWs?

by abiather 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abiather

    Yes, I have noted many; I will share just two of them.

    1) JWs prohibit birth-day celebration saying John the Baptists was murdered during the celebration of Herod’s birth day. Will anyone abstain from marriage celebration just because somewhere 2000 years ago in some marriage celebration in the orient, somebody was killed? Or will any country abolish voting system itself because somebody was killed in a voting station? Interestingly, History books show that John the Baptists was killed by Herod on political reason, not in connection with any birthday celebration! If viewed from the correct perspective, birthday is the most important celebration; because birth of a person is the most wonderful event—an act of God being performed in front of us—it is an act of God, because we did not create ourselves. Our parents too would say they did not create us. Truth is that we come from God, through our parents. Hence our birth is an act of God, and its climax event is the birthday. Thus birthday celebration actually glorifies God—it only shows we are happy with our lives!

    2) Another situation is their translation of Mathew 5:3 as “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them,” while other Bibles have it: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

    If Jesus were here on earth, he would favor the translation: “Blessed are those poor in spirit.” Because he himself defined, with his life, spirituality as being “poor in spirit”. Jesus himself was “poor in spirit,” because despite of being a great person with extra-ordinary skill, he did not have a sense of ownership (Mathew 8:20; 16:24) nor a sense of doer-ship (John 8:16; 5:19) nor attachment even to his own family members. (Mark 3:33, 34) In other words, he had no self-made envelop called ego over his spirit (John 10:30). He had full control over vices, even over desire for pleasure from sleep. The first thing he used to do “very early in the morning, while it was still dark” was that he would ‘get up, leave the house and go off to a solitary place,’ where he would spend time talking to His Heavenly Father. (Mark 1:35) He was like enjoying a romance with God. (Compare Isaiah 54:5)

    Anyone who manifests the above attitudes is “poor in spirit.” Manifesting the above attitudes is not at all difficult, because we have observed many people who manifest them! If it is possible for some, it is possible for others too, if they are willing to do. If a Doctor misdiagnoses somebody, and tells him that he will die within a few days, you will see him changing from being materialistic to spiritual, WITHOUT ANY EXTERNAL HELP! All humans know that they all will die at any moment, hence should be possible for them to turn spiritual, as in the above-mentioned case! The key to living a fulfilled life and enjoying each moment is to truly REALIZE the transient nature of the world around us. REALIZE means having REAL EYES that see the real, not the things that come and go after some time. If one is willing, he can see the SOURCE behind all the resources!

    A vehicle that goes forward can go reverse too if we change into appropriate gear. Similarly, no one taught us to look for defects in others and to boast of the good in ourselves—yet we all do! This can also be reversed—we can look for the good in others and defects in ourselves (with the intention of undoing them) without anybody teaching us—that is the sign of spirituality! Remember, no one helped the prodigal son to return to spirituality. He understood materialism has a dead-end from his own experience, something which he could have discern from others’ experiences in front of his eyes! Hence, what is needed is an observant eye, not external organization!

    How unfortunate JWs translated Mathew 5:3 as “happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.” Thieves are conscious of the requirement of being a good citizen, yet that will not make them good citizen! Hence, JWs got exactly the opposite of what Jesus intended. Bible writers actually contrast spirituality with egoism which is all about needs. (Galatians 5:26) But spirituality is all about spirit, and SPIRIT HAS NO NEEDS, it only gives. (Luke 6:32-38; Galatians 5:22-25). When you enjoy giving, you will give it to the full (or FILL to the FULL), you will feel you have a life FULFILLED.

    In addition, JW translation indirectly hints that there will be a visible organization (of God on earth) to cater to the needs of people, especially in the “Last Days”—something that is not even remotely implied in the Gospel of Mark, which is the source for Mathew and Luke. Jesus concluded the signs of Last Days saying: “What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’” (Mark 13:37)

    The above two examples are typical of JWs who complicate what is very simple!

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