Who are God's Executional Forces today? (by The Witchtower)

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  • processor


    Who Are God’s Executional Forces Today?

    Reprint from The Witchtower, October 2010

    “God’s executional forces strike without regard to age or sex. For God instructs them to show no mercy.” – The Watchtower, February 1, 1985, page 4

    The prophet Ezekiel foretold a great “slaughter” or “destructive work” that would be conducted in our day. (The Watchtower, January 15, 1971, page 52; November 1, 1972, page 660). In “a vision that is fulfilled during our time … God’s executional forces are pictured … by six armed men.” (The Watchtower, April 15, 1987, page 11) Who are these “executional forces” today, and for how long have they executed their “destructive work?” The book The Finished Mystery explains the prophecy as follows:

    “Ezekiel 9:2. And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the North, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer’s inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brazen altar. … The writer’s inkhorn symbolizes that the seventh man’s function was to write. God identified him thus: When The Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society was at Allegheny, Pa., an open Bible was to be painted on one of the large front windows of the office. A sign painter, not in the Truth, painted the open Bible; and without instruction from any one, of his own volition, he painted the Bible as open at Ezekiel, Chapter 9. The man of linen was the Laodicean servant, the Lord’s faithful and wise steward, Pastor Russell. When Pastor Russell saw this, he turned pale. Ezekiel seeing the man in linen, types Pastor Russell thereafter seeing himself to be the antitype of that man – one of the most prolific writers of the Age.” – pages 417, 418.

    So it is evident that the “man of linen” was Charles Taze Russell, the first official president of the Watch Tower Society. He diligently completed the task that God had assigned to him:

    “Ezekiel 9:4. And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. … Hither and thither, traveling and preaching for nearly forty years Pastor Russell obeyed this command; and through the printed page of books, tracts and newspapers he went into every corner of the world. … Ezekiel 9:11. And, behold, the man clothed with linen, which had the inkhorn by His side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as Thou hast commanded me. – Pastor Russell was faithful to his great task of writing and publishing the Truth … In October, 1916, he died, and beyond the veil has, ere this, undoubtedly, reported in the presence of Christ that he has done the work he was given to do.” – The Finished Mystery, pages 418, 420.

    But “it was not the linen-clad man that did the destructive work. It was the ‘six men’ with weapons.” (The Watchtower, November 1, 1972, page 660) “The six with the Sword … symbolize all the Elijah class,” and “the Elijah class [is] the faithful and discreet slave.” – The Finished Mystery, page 417; The Watchtower, April 15, 1995, page 25.

    Accordingly the marking work conducted by Brother Russell was completed with his death in 1916. Then the other “six men” started their “destructive work.” Hence God’s executional forces are the members of the “faithful and discreet slave” who appeared on the scene after 1916, with Joseph F. Rutherford and the following Watchtower presidents the leading way. Ezekiel’s prophecy continues to describe the assignment they received from God:

    “Ezekiel 9:5. And to the others He said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity. – After Pastor Russell’s writings have reached an individual, the other members of the Elijah class, the ‘Truth people,’ approach him with the sword … Ezekiel 9:6. Slay utterly old and young, both maids and little children, and women … and begin at My Sanctuary.” – page 419.

    Joseph F. Rutherford and his successors ‘went after Pastor Russell,’ but not to mark the people but rather to “slay” them. At God’s “sanctuary” – the organization founded by Charles Taze Russell – they ‘began.’ Contrary to Brother Russell who had put emphasis on Christian qualities and freedom, they implemented a dictatorial organization and made preaching slaves out of Watch Tower readers.


    Of course they did not “slay” literally – because it is forbidden by secular law – but in a transferred sense many people lost their lives through the activities of these “executional forces.” (compare The Watchtower,November 15, 1952, page 703) These persons are still breathing, but they must “live no longer for themselves.” (2 Corinthians 5:15) They are “devoting their entire lives to Jehovah’s … [Witnesses]”; many keep strolling from house to house for decades, trying to give uninteresting magazines to uninterested people. – The Watchtower, August 1, 1977, page 466.

    Some resign from their job or leave their family to have even more time for the Watchtower Society’s interests. (The Watchtower, May 1, 2007, page 9; 1980 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, pages 18, 19) And “God’s executional forces” will continue to “strike without regard to age or sex. For God instructs them to show no mercy.” (The Watchtower, February 1, 1985, page 4) Hence, also in the future “utterly old and young, both maids and little children, and women” will get caught in the Watchtower organization’s clutches and be exploited for its purposes.

    What should we do to escape the executional forces? Since they are not allowed to go near “to any man upon whom there is the mark,” and this “mark” must be applied by Pastor Russell, it would be wise to heed his counsel. He provided an important hint in a reply to a reader’s letter: “Beware of ‘organization.’ It is wholly unnecessary … Do not seek to bind others’ consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours.” – Zion’s Watch Tower, September 15, 1895, page 216.


    Thus let us avoid the Watchtower Society and all other religious organizations. Then God’s “executional forces” – the “faithful and discreet slave” – will be unable to harm us.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Haha...brilliant, twisted and hilarious.

  • anonymouz

    But ironically, those "executional forces" are those applied to the JW temple in ultimate implied fulfillment, not at Armageddon, just to keep up with the rules JWs now break with "the organization" main foulers. (Zech3:13). Eze 9:6 "from my sanctuary" you should start, parallels 1Pet4:17 priority and that must apply to JWs by their own rules as the "house of God - not just for favorable judgment as JWs like to imagine, but also for "trampling" judgment (Dan8:13). And that start in the implied JW temple moves out to "Jerusalem", formerly a Christendom judgment by JW interpretation, never meted as such literally, but now by JW rules of interpretation and Biblical logic would apply to a future judgment that would start with the JW "house".

    The executional recipients can only be JWs in transgression in that prophecy, not the world system in general.

    Since there is no actually spiritually approved much less anointed leadership in "the organization", JWs now loosely apply that whole "inkhorn" meaning to everyone else unmarked, JWs indelibly marked for approval, yet the Mal3:16 "book of remembrance" would logically be the "marked ones" in the temple, not the whole world system, by JWs own rules.

    And since Bethel's neo-papal leaders never clarify the "organizational" rules and clarified situation as an execution applying to JW "weeds" at a final fulfillment temple judgment, it becomes but another stumbling block of absurdity and ultimate partiality to further discredit "the truth" (2Pet2:1-3), as even now JWs do not even play their own game by their own rules any longer.

    Another obvious bending of the rules would be applying that to Christendom well after the JW rules 1918 broad initial temple judgment, to further the illusion JWs are safe and sound as the "executional" actual manifestation is then stretched by "the organization" to apply to Christendom in the future (even everyone else in the world but JWs), yet by JW rules Christendom is merely "Babylon the Great" since after 1922. Thus even the Christendom "whipping boy" context, now 100 years old almost and irrelevant, can longer buffer JWs from the logic (of their own rules) that must now be a more focused judgment exclusively on JW claimants by the time of final judgment.

    Thus JW current logic has many examples of transgressing it's own rules to suit a delusion of perpetual divine approval.

    Obviously the lead of the infallible thus pre and self-approved irreversibly faithful GB discreet popes is where such attitude and disregard for "house" rules originates.

    (Ezekiel 3:20) And when someone righteous turns back from his righteousness and actually does injustice and I must put a stumbling block before him...

    Now "the organization" is the main production factory of it's own stumbling blocks designed by the GB engineers of the science of the fall. The executioners would have to be angels by Bible and JW rules. (Zech3:1-9; Rev8-9). And the first unmarked they would be hitting, by JW's own logic, would be the UN allied GB and Bethel elites, the "older men at the sanctuary". Then they would "toss the coals" of Eze9-10 (Rev8:2-5) over the JW congregations worldwide "Jerusalem" as a purification symbol (Isa6:6-8) as only marked JWs would be spared by logic of the JW game, JW weeds would be terminated or extracted "to the darkness outside" as a Rev8 "1/3" filtration concluding that part of the JW game.

    A game whose rules JWs no longer observe as the GB Bethel neo-papal bulls override the Bible "rule book". By JW rules the "marking" can only occur among JWs and would be a divine angelic process, now mimicked by the GB's own self-approval as kings and gods of the world. (2Thess2:1-4).

    JWs have no inkling a temple judgment would have to be applied to them by their own rules, and the broad "temple judgment" of 1914-1922 era and developments could not serve indefinitely to furnish JWs perpetual approval in comparison to Christendom overall which now provides JWs with a handy delusion to follow the GB spiritual criminals wherever they go. (WT 11/15/13 pg. 20, par. 17, #3).

  • EdenOne

    I wonder if someone in Brooklyn will pick up the prophecy of Ezekiel to say:

    Man of the inkhorn - C.T. Russell

    Six executioners : 1) J.F. Rutherford

    2) Nathan Knorr

    3) Frederick Franz

    4) Milton Henschel

    5) The 1st generation Governing Body post-Henschel (Barr; Barry; Klein; Jarackz; Sydlick; Gangas; Schroder; etc)

    6) The 2nd generation Governing Body post-Henschel (Morris III; Splane; Losch; Sanderson; Herd; Lett; etc)

    Duh ...


  • processor

    I'm not in Brooklyn, but ... tempting idea ...

    Btw, there is a similar concept in this article: The 'Final Part of the Days' for the Watch Tower Society

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