Kid Upstages Pope

by fulltimestudent 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent
  • Zoos

    Saw that on the news this morning.


  • belbab

    I just have to compare this with the reception that "Brother " Knorr gave a couple of children which must have taken place in 1953 at the big New York assembly. One of the children involved if I gave you his name most of you would have heard of him. He was born in England during the war, he never knew his father, he was killed in action as one of the Dam Buster pilots. Later his mother became a Jehovah's Witness.

    At the NY assembly he would have been about 12 or 13 years old. During probably between sessions, this boy was wandering about the grounds, he came to a young negro lad who was hanging around a spanking big Cadillac limousine type car. So naturally, he had ask what's up?. The negro lad says he was waiting for "Brother" Knorr, the Cadillac was Knorr's car. Knorr showed up and was greeted by the boys, "Hi, Brother Knorr, Hi Brother Knorr" They received a severe stern reprimand from Dear Brother Knorr.

    Way to go, Pappy! Look down from your celestial digs and swallow your past actions.

    The "Son of Man" says, Let the little children come to me, for to such is the Kingdom of Heaven"

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