How to Plant Ideas in Someone's Mind

by chrisuk 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • chrisuk

    Hi guys,

    I came across an article on and it got me thinking that this is exactly what the WTS do to JW's. Here's a quote from the article:

    " Before we get started, it's worth noting that planting an idea in someone's mind without them knowing is a form of manipulation. We're not here to judge you, but this is the sort of thing most people consider evil , so you probably shouldn't actually do anything you read here. Instead, use this information to stay sharp."

    I know most of this isn't new to anyone, but I just thought it was worth a share. Here's the link if you want to check the article out:

  • Phizzy

    Thanks for the link, interesting. I do not think it would be morally wrong to plant the idea in a JW's mind that they should learn the art of Critical Thinking, say.

    It could only do them good to do so.

  • chrisuk

    Yeah I agree. People can't make a decision with only one sided facts, so planting an idea to make them think is doing them a favour.

  • Oubliette

    Great link, thanks for sharing!

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi chrisuk, I feel that manipulation is evil if it benefits only you at the expense of the person who is being manipulated.

    Helping people to critically think for themselves cannot be manipulative most of the time because it also benefits the person who you are helping. The only time that I might not help someone to critically think for themselves is when they are too old and the potential sorrow would outweight the potential benefit to them.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • jgnat

    Here's what I picked up on influence, repeated by a random blogger:

    Kevin Hogan talks about this on his website. He gives examples and lists 4 facts that we can keep in mind…

    • FACT ONE: We see what we expect to see.
    • FACT TWO: We don’t see what we don’t expect see.
    • FACT THREE: We see what we are told to look for…and not much else.
    • FACT FOUR: People who have had just one drink lose their ability to discriminate reality even more profoundly.

    The fourth fact is new research that Kevin found in a study done by Seema Clifasefi (University of Washington). It was published in “Applied Cognitive Psychology”.

  • Phizzy

    So, no such thing as "In vino veritas" then a jgnat ?

  • poppers

    Outlaw, are you out there? Better check out this link because the author must have had you in mind, so keep "abreast" of those manipulative people who would like to deprive you of your favorite food.

  • jgnat

    Oh, in vino the truth pours out liberally. Likely a little more information than its neighbours are ready for.

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