Awake JWs: any ideas on subliminally sharing TTATT?

by Island Man 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Let me share one possible way:

    Say you're out in the ministry with another asleep JW and it's your turn to speak to the householder. You can steer the conversation in such a way that you can talk about the pharisees' unreasonable interpretation of the sabbath law and how it was contrary to what God intended. You work your way to the point of saying:

    "So you see, even though the law said that the Israelites were to abstain from work on the sabbath, that didn't mean they were to let someone die from lack of lifesaving assistance or healing work as performed by Jesus, just because it's the sabbath. Likewise, even though all the regular israelites were to abstain from eating the show bread in the temple, David and his men were mercifully exempted from condemnation when they took the show bread to save their life due to their hunger. Jehovah is a reasonable God and does not intend for obeying the letter of the law to result in needless death or suffering in extenuating circumstances. That was the point Jesus was emphasizing when he said 'I want mercy and not sacrifice'"

    The words that I bolded are what I consider key words that are commonly used when discussing the no blood doctrine. Using them in the manner quoted above could trigger the mind of your asleep JW partner to start thinking about the no blood doctrine and see the parallel.

    I would love to hear your ideas on how TTATT can be shared subliminally.

  • jgnat

    *adjusting hubby's collar* have fun out in field service, honey. Maybe you even get to talk to someone today.

  • 2+2=5

    Cough cough cult cough

  • RayPublisher

    Pretty good idea... Now for clinical trials!

  • ABibleStudent

    Invite JWs to do something fun or to get involved in time consuming hobbies where they can meet non-JWs who they might share common interests. Show JWs how to search for bargins and discount hotels on the internet. Show JWs how to search for information on and maybe there search will also show them links to websites like JWN,, etc. WTBTS's BITE control requires that JWs be constantly fed with WTBTS propaganda and attending meetings.

    Learn about Steve Hassan's BITE control techniques and show JWs how Pharisees, Sadducces, Scientologist, Moonies, Mormons, etc. can be classified as dangerous cults that victimize their members. BITE control techniques are used to extract money from members for the dangerous cult/organization.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • williamhconley

    One way to go about it is to add in a conversation how it is dangerous and improper to follow men. Also how much you admire Jeremiah and Jonathan for not going along with Leaders of "Gods Organization" when they clearly saw they were not acting in accors to God's will.

    You cannot be specific and apply that to the GB as you can be accused of causing divisions and promoting apostasy.


  • adamah

    JWs generally don't take 'subliminal' hints: they rarely pick up on 'liminal' hints, so you generally have to go with 'supraliminal', LOL!

  • Fernando

    Excellent strategy and well written.

    Any committed person could use this approach to slowly and patiently open the mind of anyone suffering from Watchtower Stockholm Syndrome.

    Carefully sensing if their cult identity is being roused, one could speed up or slow down.

    Not a job for anyone desiring overnight results.

    The trick is also to get the cultist into the driving seat of their own awakening process on a topic they are passionate enough about to spend hours researching until they know it so well that they can see all the angles of any potential attacker (Watchtower Stockholm Syndrome Enforcer).

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