God has no plan for anyone ever lived?!

by Mr Fool 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    According to JW all people are born by chance and death also come by chance, a lottery. Therefore no one is meant to be. If God has a plan for certain volume of people (kind of 144 000), how can that be if He has no idea which kind of souls being created (by accident)?

    An ignorant God with a lottery of souls entering the Heaven?

  • snare&racket

    Read up on the topic of Free Will, specifically... Determinism.

    It will blow your socks of and render the whole point of a god and the bible and his plans void.


  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    Thanks for the vid, snare&racket. They see it in black and white. Have they never thought about the possibility of a pre-determined birth and a pre-determined death but not so much determination between?

  • snare&racket

    I assume you didn't watch it.......

    Determinism has nothing to do with predetermined events, it is just that we don't have free will... our ACTIONS and events in our lives are determined by previous acts and events. These influence our activities and desicions and therefore we have no free will. Jimi Hendrix was always going to set his guitar on fire.....

    If you lived the last 24 hrs over again (without knowing), you would make ALL the same desicions, you would have the EXACT same day. Because for example, the reason you chose cornflakes for breakfast the first time will lead you to chose cornflakes the second time......

    How can we be punished for acts we will ALWAYS make based on influences (enviroment, nature) other than out own.

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    I have watched it.

    The door A and B is an intersting case and I do understand your point. But what if someone lives his identical 24 hours again and again when suddenly one of these 24 hours, in the night, his heart stopped for a minute and he went through a "near death experince" with a higher level of reality that "makes this physical world very dreamy and illusionary". Would he repeat the same actions again?

    Sorry if I missunderstand your point.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    If god has a plan for when you will be born and when you will die, why did he used to plan in the medieval times for only one in 5 children to live past the age of 5? Why did he predestine 40% of the world's population to die by hideous plague over a few decades? Why now does he predestine babies to die before they are even born, devastating the families? Better the baby ws never conceived.

    And why does god predestine people to die younger and in more horrible ways in poor countries? Or even to be born into a famiy or situation where their short lives will be full of suffering? Does god favour other souls over others, or do all these things happen because life is random and god doesn't have anything to do with it, even if he does exist?

  • KateWild

    Good question? I think God had a plan when he created the earth and the universe, but I don't think he has any plans for people as individuals. Yes I am struggling here with this.

    Good question for me to think about.

    Kate xx

  • willmarite

    If the materialism paradigm were correct then our consciousness would be created by the physical brain. Our sense of identity and all our thoughts which translate into emotions which lead to actions would be dictated by the firings of synapses in the brain. A pedophile couldn't help but molest children. The only thing Hitler could have done was kill millions of Jews. An alcoholic who stops drinking only does so because of chemicals in his brain make him stop.

    This rebels against common sense. My personal opinion is if you start with a mistaken belief especially if its viewed as being infallible even if you use logical thought you will come up with answers that rebel against common sense and intuition.

    This is one of the reasons I do not believe in materialism. It is a good exercise to follow thru with logical thought what the ramifications of materialism are. This is not to say it can not be true but I do not believe it to be the most likely answer.

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