I looked up the defintion of an apostate and found a possible tactic in talking to a JW.

by 5go 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5go

    Assuming they converted to being a JW that is. Because simply converting reigions or changing one's beliefs makes one an apostate by defintion.

    Just though I would bring that up.

  • rmt1

    This is so simple a caveman can understand. Anyone who stands up against lies, anyong who takes a stand against lies, anyone who turns away from lies, anyone who refuses to keep hearing lies, anyone who seeks truth, is defined by the cult as an "apostate". As in, quote marks. As in, it is their definition. As in, you will not find "apostate" in the wild. As in, "apostate" does not exist. As in, "apostate" is a construction fabricated entirely from a resentment at being found out. Geico caveman has already gotten bored to tears with "apostate". It is an epithet that cannot be recuperated, appropriated, recalibrated, renovated. Geico caveman really wishes some classical wiseacre schooled in latin or greek would come up with a derogatory term that translates to "stands for truth" or "stands for fact". Words have power and that's how TWS stays in power. Bending, twisting, casting, throwing, heaving words.

  • Oubliette

    Damn straight I'm an apostate! Just like my main man Jesus. He was the ULTIMATE APOSTATE!

  • rmt1

    Badge of honor? You bore you, bear it, you wear it, you own it? The word has but one use.

  • braincleaned

    I would say to those catholics who converted to JWs — "Aren't you happy your whole catholic family doesn't shun you for apostasy?"

  • fokyc

    "Anyone who stands up against lies, anyone who takes a stand against lies, anyone who turns away from lies, anyone who refuses to keep hearing lies, anyone who seeks truth, is defined by the cult as an "apostate"."

    Then: I AM an "apostate" AND proud of it. I was disfellowshipped on Elders lies.

  • sir82

    That's silly.

    To a JW, it makes no difference whatsoever what the "worldly" dictionary says.

    An apostate is what the Watchtower says an apostate is.

    Watchtower's definition of an apostate: "Anyone who speaks negatively of or acts against the interests of the Watchtower Society."

  • cha ching
  • rmt1

    Good. This reception answers and quenches an anxiety I had over using JWN too much as a crutch during this period of working on grad level astronomy computer codes. The amount of room in the universe under the JW umbrella is very limited, and you do really have to fit to stay inside that umbrella. During these three or four months I have downloaded a lot of news about what JWs are doing in JW world, which includes the resort/retreat, the simplification of literature, and juicy details of how the real estate empire works. The single thing I hope to have uploaded to the visitors is that getting out after, or long after, the prime of your human youth does not eliminate you in what you aspire to. I can only hope that during these months I have bled pain much less than 8 years ago when I first came here. Putting pain in context so you can communicate some lesson comes only with time. Enough from me, for now. Thank you for the lols.

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