by Terry 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    What does God love and "why"?

    The why is excruciatingly important.

    God loves what He most values.

    Sinners die. They are unworthy of life.

    Yet, God "loves" them?


    What is it about something unworthy of life that is admirable to the point of placing one's highest esteem on it?

    The flea doesn't love the dog which is its host.

    The dog certainly doesn't love the flea.

    But, the flea loves the blood it sucks from the dog.

    God sucks the love, dependance, fear, worship, admiration and devotion from His host: humanity.

    Therefore God "loves" mankind.
    God may as well forgive short people for a lack of height as to forgive them for their sin!

    God's "superior" standards are merely the difference between His nature and HOW HE MADE HUMANS!

    Deliberately creating INFERIOR creatures and then burdening them with infinitely SUPERIOR standards of thought and conduct

    is an invitation to disaster.

    Had man been created as a PEER there would have been no motive for either Adam or Eve to desire to BE LIKE God knowing Good or Bad!!

    Creating a man with one leg shorter than the other and then punishing him for limping makes about as much sense.

    If you build a chair that breaks when you sit on it---you can curse it all you want, but, the joke is on the carpenter!!
    God, if completely totally good, right, noble, just, etc. etc. creates an EQUAL you have more goodness, righteousness, nobility, justness, etc. etc.

    However---if you create something INFERIOR to what is good, right, noble and just you get----wait for it.......wait for it................you get exactly what Jehovah got: sinners!
    Perfect is one of those wooly words that makes your skin itch.

    A fork is perfect for eating peas but lousy for eating soup.

    Context is everything.

    Stop and think about this a moment. God is top dog with all the power there is. He decides what perfect is and what it means and how it is judged. So, it is his deck of cards we are playing with.

    If God plays a game of Poker with you and deals you a crappy hand....guess who ain't uh gonna win?

    Man was totally deficient compared to God in all possible ways which required sustaining life. This made him dependant in a way which was lethal if he failed to please the Old Man.

    No sane person (human) kills himself when he has everything to live for.

    If Adam truly understood the stakes of LIFE/DEATH and was sane----he could not eat the fruit which was placed off limits.

    Adam clearly had no understanding or experience and craved it mightily. Wanting to be LIKE GOD (his heavenly father) is usually a great ambition.

    In this case it led him to tresspass, commit theft and suffer Capital Punishment.

    If this is PERFECT Justice I'm a potato cake.

  • Theredeemer

    The Christian God has made it clear that he wants his followers thinking like children (Matt 18:3) and that he prefers the foolish over the wise. (1 Cor 1:27)

    If your mind is functioning at anything close to optimal capacity, Christianity isn’t for you.

  • Terry

    If this is all true, shouldn't it be insulting to our intelligence?

    Millions and millions of highly rational, intelligent, pious and kind-hearted person embrace Christianity. How am I going wrong here?

  • prologos

    terry, "embrace" is right, support, so it does not fall, supply it with warmth, sustenance, embrace their leaders even, emrace with closed eyes which is the usual thing in a meaningful embrace.

    if they opened their eyes, see the realty, they would race from the embrace.

    opening soon.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Millions of people also believe in Allah and Vishnu and Shiva and The Sun Goddess, Mother Earth. Back in the day we had the Norse gods and the Greek gods and the Egyptian gods. More people today on earth believe not in the Christian gods but in some other deity. There have been millions of people, they've all been misguided.

    Pious and kind hearted, maybe yes. Rational and intelligent? Not so much. You can't be rational and intelligent if you believe in a 6000 year earth and a global flood and an entity that meddles with your affairs for no good reason.

  • Terry

    I think people look for what they feel they need. If they can't find it--they invent or imagine it.

    The inventors are creative people who boost humanity and push it along in progress.

    Among those who imagine--some are also creative writers and entertainers.

    Then, there are those who just make stuff up and declare it is not only real, but absolute truth.

    These are the dangerous people because they don't think you have a right to live if you don't agree.

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