Helpful Watchtower Changes

by jgnat 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    In the past few years the WTS has made some changes that helps those of us with loved-ones trapped by the Society. Most helpful was cutting a midweek meeting. Witnesses now may go as long as four days without reinforcement. (Cult indoctrination requires frequent repetition to keep its hold). That means for a short time every week our loved-ones are more themselves and open to new thoughts.

    Also because of this change, the WTS encourages a "family study night" which I know most Witness families blow off. We can use this night to introduce independent thinking, questioning. Use the bible alone on study night, and ask open-ended questions. There are no wrong answers.

    And finally, the WTS pretends it has gone electronic. The iPad is in! I say, get one for your maiden Aunt, parents and grandparents. Load it up with a few apps.

    Bring your iPad to the service, and let your mind wander where it will. Freedom!

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