Should I go to the AGM?

by Indian Larry 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    I have not been a "publisher" for 5 or 6 years. I did not attend meeting except the memorial for 5 or 6 years. Recently (about 3 months ago) I started going on Sunday to help keep peace in the family and smooth out wrinkles in my marrage.

    I do not attend during the week and I have never even answered once in the hall we are attending. I have also never turned in a time slip in the hall we are attending, however the elders do know me from when I was in another hall and when I was a MS. I am not DF'd.

    Do you all think they will let me in the door if I go with my wife?

  • problemaddict

    I think their heads are already exploding with they won't be worried about turning you away. Unless your guys are just plain good ole fashioned jerks.

    Honestly though, this is just an overhyped mess made to make everyone feel "special" at the same time. Anything that creates excitement they will continue to do because lets face it, its just not exciting. Bad things are happening to the religion. They are face to face with many of their expiring doctrines. So this is a way around that.

    Its an old business tactic if you will.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Sure, take one for the team :). let us know what they say. Aren't some areas by invite only? My family is all traveling an hour away to attend in different shifts at their assembly hall. I know my former local congregation is attending at their own hall.

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    I would not go because I am "excited". I just want to know exactly what my wife and child are being exposed to. I am actually glad that I have been going to the Sunday meetings lately. I have been able to raise some really tough questions about the "Nu light" Watchtowers. Before they would not listen to me at all, but if I go the the hall then they at least will let me ask the questions. My hope is that they will start to think for themselves.

    If I do go I will record the meeting on my phone and upload it.

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