What an evil parent I am eh?

by dmouse 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Well, I often shared with Benjamin the things I learned through this board, not just the serious stuff, but also some funny fluff. But most importantly what I've learned about human nature - ex-jws are, in the main, just ordinary people like him and me. Although some of you are extraordinary (in a nice way!)

    I suggested to Benjamin that he post on the board, I was surprised that he agreed; he's pretty fed up with the whole JW thing and can't be bothered either way. Anyway, I think he was impressed at the warm welcome he received. He posted below as ‘Gromit’.

    I know many JWs would be spitting teeth at the thought of me enrolling an impressionable young boy into a den of apostate villainy like this! To be honest, I don’t think he’ll post much, he’s much more balanced than I am and doesn’t need the feedback and validation that many long term JWs do.
    I think the longer you are abused by the Organisation the more bitter you are when you leave.
    Also, he’s very busy having a life, unlike his sad old dad!

    For some reason I do feel uneasy, perhaps I feel that I’m imposing my beliefs on him – indoctrinating him in a similar manner to the JWs? Or perhaps I feel he’s a little young to be embroiled in the whole sorry saga?

    So, am I an evil parent for introducing him to you dangerous apostate scum?

  • gsx1138

    Well to put it bluntly you are an evil apostate parent. You have steered him away from the true knowledge of God that only the Cartoon Network can provide. Seriously though, I believe it to be your job to protect your children. Which is why I'm sick to my stomach to see JW's letting their children die because of the whole blood thing. I might as well reveal a bit of myself here. I'm now Wiccan after my 12 year search for spirituality. I only plan on teaching my daughter enough of the bible to remain alive at school. Otherwise I'll refer her to http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/inconsistencies.html
    about the many falacy's of the Bible. You can't run your childs life but you can do what is in your power to protect them. It sounds like your kid is pretty smart anyway.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • Englishman

    Abtholutely dethpicable!


  • Scully

    Dear dmouse:

    If only I had known that I wasn't alone in thinking something was "not quite right" with the WTS and JWs when I was 14. The Society makes sure that JWs are so isolated from "the real world" that when anyone begins to question or feel that there's something amiss in the Spiritual Paradise™, you're made to feel that it's just "you" that thinks or feels that way.

    I'm glad you're showing Ben that he's not alone at all. There are plenty of people who've seen cracks in the Watchtower and have left before it crumbles.

    What you're doing is showing Ben that he has options in life. That's a luxury most of us who grew up in the bOrg never realized until after we had spent/thrown away the best years of our lives there.

    Good for you! and FANTASTIC for Ben!

    Love, Scully

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Hi dmouse,
    I let my 14 year old daughter (little red birdie) post last year. She was quite intrigued by the concept of people all over the world reading her story and caring enough to answer her. Some also thought she was a troll, but that is understandable now that I have read the forum longer. She got very interesting, mixed opinion answers, which also reinforced that she didn't exactly know how to handle her situation, herself. All in all, it was a very positive, extremely eye opening and interesting experience for her. Having said that, she is too busy with dancing, homework, friends, shopping, MSN and real life to do more than peak over my shoulder occasionally. I will let her post again if she feels like it when she has more time.

  • Solace

    Dont be silly!
    You are not evil.
    I also hope my daughter can learn from my mistakes.
    I dont think she is interested in the topics we discuss though, shes only 10. Occassionally we discuss topics that have more of an adult theme but Simon does a good job keeping it under control.

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