We Cleaned Out A Hoarding Pioneer's House and Discovered Boxes of Lies! What To Do?

by AuntConnie 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntConnie

    I was doing some mild cleaning for one of the local Hoarding Witness Sisters; her house was going to be condemned so we all got together trying to get her house in order because she does not have any worldly family willing to speak to her. Some of the friends decided they would try to guilt her family, her family was very blunt when they said to tell their sister to “Tell the Stealing Bitch to Go and ‘F-yourself’!”

    I got in touch with one of her local family members and he was more peaceful and explained why all his family members hated her. It all started when “Sister Hoarder” was supposed to take care of her dying mother and decided to rip off her sickly Mom’s last bits of savings. Hoarder spent all Mom’s medication money and burial expenses on shit for herself; she emptied her Mom’s account dry so she had no funds left to pay for any of her medications while battling cancer. The mother died of a broken a heart, not so much of all her money getting stolen but the fact that her daughter was so sneaky and evil she was willing to take Mom’s last bucks set aside for anti-nausea and pain medications so she could eat out every night until Mom’s funds were gone. The worldly family members chipped in and had to pay out of their own pocket to get Mom her cremation. Sister Hoarder stopped coming around to visit her mother once all the funds had disappeared! I apologized to her brother and said I agree they should let “Sister Hoarder” burn in hell! I was livid she lied to the congregation to get free help so she would not be kicked out of her house she was not willing to lift a finger herself. I put the word out what I learned and soon the help slowed down and the due date for the land-lord to review her house came and he evicted her! The elders were not going to take action because sister hoarder was out in service for long hours each day and placed the most magazines in the circuit and the audience loved her parts and demons on Special Day Assemblies.

    Some of the friends felt guilty and took almost everything from her house after she agreed it was better to gut her house instead of living in some type of institution. The dump truck came and loaded up all her trash, anything that looked valueless was tossed in the trash. When we went to the dump, the truck emptied all its stuff and Watchtowers and Awakes’ by the thousands were flying all over the place. This crazy old bat claimed she was placing one hundred magazines of the Watchtower and Awake stuck them in her garage. She had more books than a Watchtower Semi-Truck delivering to a Convention, it was all a lie! When the dump trucks were done emptying all her items, I took a few photos of thousands of Watchtowers and Awakes the lying bitch claimed she placed each month. Will the Governing Body back out all those placements as fraudulent placements? Soon the seagulls showed up checking out the old buckets of KFC and other rotting goodies Sister Hoarder left behind! Than I thought of a great part, how could we make such a horrible lie make the Witnesses regain their faith in Sister Hoarder the Special Pioneer?

    I thought of some half-cocked story how a Seagull gets a Watchtower stuck to his leg and fly’s off in the direction of Hobo-Alley, the poor Hobo take’s the time to help get this trash off the Seagull and the Hobo read’s the Magazine “When Will Poverty and Hunger End?”. Harry the Hobo think’s this is a message from God, God sent this Seagull to deliver a divine message. Harry locates the Jehovah’s Witnesses and tells them how this Seagull carried what he was looking for. Harry never had a house, he’s been homeless and his Jehovah Witness family disowned him years ago because he never wanted the Truth and now Harry realizes that God has a plan for him. God is going to give Harry a new home and he will never want for food once the Paradise Earth becomes a reality. Harry is baptized after six months and his JW family still doesn’t trust him because they think he is using religion as a scam to pretend he is religious and the local Hall who brought him into the Truth will find out the truth about Harry once they get to know him! Time passes on and Harry becomes a elder and his family now hate him even more because the Congregation he belongs to think they are heartless bitches and dicks and the hatred of this loving religions grows and grows because of the Seagull from God!

  • DeWandelaar

    OMG... I should be ashamed of myself but when you told about the truck of all the watchtowers I was having a hard time not to cry out in laughter (not convenient when you are at work :D) hahaha... I have actually tears wobbling over my cheeks hahahahaha!!!

  • Zoos

    All of sister Hoarders behavior aside, how did the representatives of "God's spirit directed" organization not know the conditions this woman was living in? No visits? No shepherding calls? If the woman was a special pioneer... even just a high-hour publisher, that would have the effect of putting her in the spotlight to some extent. How did all this go under the radar?

  • DeWandelaar

    I think in most congregations you have hoarders... it also has to do with emberrasment I think... affraid of the stink since JW's are clean etc etc

  • zeb

    I wondered at times whether magazine placements were based on what a publisher took or what they claimed to have placed. Again i recall seeing a car load of folks go to the rurals and all log those hours but in that time might only call at three or four farms. One car of people does three calls and takes 6 hours in the day but the 5 people in that car claim the 6 hours each so 6 = 30 is that how they work out all that 1914 stuff?

  • AuntConnie

    Zoos, twenty years ago two counties were told not to allow a very twisted couple to get magazines from anyone. They both were clinically insane, that's not the problem or we would have less people pushing magazines if we required a sense of mental well-being or a sanity test from our friends.

    Brother and Sister Lumpskin were getting the magazines and asking the public for $5 for a $.25 magazine and they would scream at people passing by like the aggressive vagrants who get in your face and follow you three blocks until you throw them a buck. The elders had to pick them up from the Police station after brother L sprayed a few dogs with Mace and told the householder if he ever messes with him "He will cut his throat like he did to those Nazi's in WW2!".

    You can't blame the elders for the condition Hoarders put themselves in. The friends try and try and try to help people by cleaning only to find the stupid fools are bringing back the cat litter and bags of dirty Depends back inside because they fear something valuable is missing from their house. The brothers and sisters tried hard with "Sister Hoarder", you can ask other elders and sisters who are fighting to keep some of these people from being put in a mental hospital for good. Watch the show "Hoarders" and it will bring you some perspective, it's a mental illness and this sister is starting to build up her clutter after a month, some sisters went by and threw out some filthy shit.

    The elders try their best but some of the friends after countless interventions, it's time to stop wasting time and allow them to be instituionalized. It might seem calloused to anyone who has never walked through a trailer with cat, dog and human excrement, underwear with human urine and rot stinking of the home. The sisters and elders who spearheaded several projects are doing their best.

    About the waste of the magazines, brother Gofus the literature servant still has magazines coming in for a brother and sister who died years ago. The Hindi and Farsi magazines this couple were getting are stacked high of two years worth, the Organization needs competent men handling the literature and know who is actually coming to the Kingdom Hall. What a concept, try to get to know who is attending your Kingdom Hall so your not ordering magazines, year-books and "Examining the Scriptures", Calenders" for friends long dead!

  • LisaRose

    What a sad story. Hoarding is a mental disorder, it has a way of taking over your life. Most hoarders have little control and do not understand why they do what they do. I have read it affects a very primitive part of the brain. For example if you saw a snake in front if you, you would react in a certain way - you wouldn't stop to decide if it was poisonous or not, you would just run, because that part of the brain will take over. For a hoarder, the thought of losing something affects that fear response of the brain and makes them extremely uncomfortable, so they avoid losing anything. They may have family they care about, but their compulsion overrides any other emotion or feeling they may have. They are usually in deep denial as to the effects of the hoarding, and often alienated from their family.

    I saw an episode of Hoarders where the woman was defacating into a toilet, even though it hadn't worked in years. She said she just pretended it wasn't what it was. Others had dozens of dead cats in the house, but claimed they took good care of their pets. They can be helped, but it's hard and usually requires intervention by an expert. I doubt this person will get help as long as she can go on pretending she is placing those magazines. She is getting positive attention for her non existent hours, plus she gets to keep the magazine's and increase her hoard. She will likely start hoarding them all over again. If the elders intervene, they are unlikely to help as they will see it as a moral failure, not the mental illness it is.

  • skeeter1

    People with mental diseases oftentimes destroy the relationships closest to them. And, those people have to remove themselves from the toxic person.

    Further, so many JWs seem to have mental illness. I remember a study that said that mental illness runs very high amongst JWs as compared to other religions. I really believe it.

    Yes, elders see it as a mental failure. When, science is showing that it could be chemical imbalances combined with stress, past abuse. Some younger JWs get help, albeit not openly, but it's talked about amongst themselves on which doctor to see.

    It's sad.

  • AuntConnie

    Very good repsonses Lisa Maria and Skeeter. Hoarding is a mental illness I wish upon nobody, it's a sad affliction for the kids of the parents or parents of a child hoarder. JWN never fails to bring out the creme of the crop, thank you for understanding we are limited by legal constraints what a Hoarder is willing to allow us to help them with. Hoarders have called the police on people trying to help them clean up their foul homes only to have those same police vacant them from their premises!

  • Zoos

    Sorry AuntConnie, I got the impression the extent of her "behavior" was just being discovered upon entering her home. I understand that all the effort in the world cannot fix the underlying problem.

    Although not a hoarder, we had a brother in the congregation where I grew up who probably should have been institutionalized but was ... somewhat functional. The brothers and sisters would take turns cleaning his home. He could make his meals, take a shower and get dressed but had no other concept of cleanliness, including a casual attitude toward using the toilet.

    It was disgusting and a huge burden.

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