I dreamed I posted to God.....................

by LyinEyes 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I think I have been spending too much time reading and posting on the board. When I finally went to sleep last time, I dreamed I was in a very happy state, I was singing God a song , and waiting for him to reply to it!!!!! Very silly , huh , the song was, On Top of the World,
    not sure of the lyrics. But I know a line in it says, i'm on top of the world looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find , is the love that ..............sumpin sumpin. While I am singing this song to God I am holding my youngest son in my arms and dancing with him. For the first time in my life I dreamed I approached God with a clean slate, no worries of past sins, or worries he didnt find me acceptable. I was just waiting to hear back from him and it was a very peaceful feeling. Just thought I would tell ya'll about this dream, since many of us have strange dreams after leaving the borg. Also while I was dreaming this ,I knew I was dreaming it. GO figure.

  • Prisca

    The dream you dreamt is a good sign. I would agree that it indicates that you feel at peace with God.

    Knowing that you're dreaming whilst a dream is going on is something I do occasionally too.

  • COMF


    A book of verses underneath the bough,
    A jug of wine, a loaf of bread--and thou
    Beside me singing in the wilderness
    Oh, wilderness were paradise enow!

  • Sirona

    Sounds Excellent!

    Did you know that in your dreams you can remember song lyrics that you've heard and subconsciously retained? That must have been what happened to you...

    Such a feelin's coming over me,
    There is wonder in most everything I see
    Not a cloud in the sky
    Got the sun in my eyes
    Won't be surprised if its a dream...

    ** http://www.religioustolerance.org **

  • COMF

    Excellent, Lyin! I did a study of dreams for a college psychology class. On the question of whether they have meaning and what it is, there were a variety of views from one extreme to the other, but one factual thing I learned, is that the great majority of our dreams do not end on a happy note. Most of them involve struggle against problems which pop up one after another.

    When you have a happy dream, or when you resolve something in a dream and it has a happy ending, this is a good thing! I believe it means that at a subconscious level you have wrestled your way through a problem or situation that has been bothering you in waking life, and have found a resolution. Congratulations!


    A book of verses underneath the bough,
    A jug of wine, a loaf of bread--and thou
    Beside me singing in the wilderness
    Oh, wilderness were paradise enow!

  • SexKitten

    Relax, sit back and bath in the GLORY of our LORD. He's letting you feel his luv for you and telling you that you are precious and important, you are an apple in G*D's eye.
    He is the eye of the storm, in troubled times let Him guide you in the way you should go. Listen to Him ( pray and spend time in devotion with G*D breathed scripture and look around at nature and the world and see how much more of His luv for you ).
    You and your little lambs are really important to Him.( you were dedicating your little lambs to His service, glory & protection...)
    It was your soul-spirit spending time with G*d and, singing & rejoicing in the spirit.
    May the love of G*D keep you and strengthen you now and for-ever.
    Thankyou for sharing such a wonderful and amazing dream.

  • SYN

    And you're only at about 100 posts! Just imagine the dreams you'll have when you hit Jedi!

    During a code review, when I asked why there was not a comment in 240,000 lines of code which was getting handed to me for maintenance, the programmer replied, "I'm terse."

  • COMF

    What's a G*D?

    A book of verses underneath the bough,
    A jug of wine, a loaf of bread--and thou
    Beside me singing in the wilderness
    Oh, wilderness were paradise enow!

  • SexKitten

    It not a G*d it's the G*D it the way of writting His name without profaning His name He has many names by which he is known-El-Shaddi, The Great I AM, Yahweh, El 'Elyon, Holy One, Ruler, Father although you might know Him as Jehovah...

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