Is selling approved stage furniture at inflated prices one of the wt's money making schemes?

by hoser 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    Is selling tables and lecterns for the kingdom hall stage platform part of the money making scheme of the wts? I have heard this from two different congregations now.

    The co rolls into town and says you need new furniture for the platform. $10,000 was one figure I was told ouch!

    A sister in another hall said it was "very expensive" but wouldn't go any further when questioned

    when will the jw's wake up and start voting with their pocketbook?


  • redvip2000

    Not surprised.

    In reality the whole thing runs on a franchise model. Each congregation needs to follow all the feel/look guidelines , and of course the Watchtower organization has all the compliant items.

  • NVR2L8

    Lending money to those who donated it in a first place to build a Kingdom Hall that will belong to the Watchtower and getting the sames donators to repay the loan is the ultimate money scheme...

  • EndofMysteries

    Who does the check get written out to for the furniture? I'd be suspect that in the end the company who makes it/sells it is tied to a JW.

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