Did anyone ever?...

by nolongerconfused 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • nolongerconfused

    pick up a girl from your own or neighboring kingdom hall and messed around? How did you feel?

    How many of you were surprised at the promiscuity that existed or currently exists in your Kingdom Halls (tm)?

    Same goes for girls/guys, viceversa

  • hoser

    I never did, but a good number of kids at the hall that I chummed with were doing "it"

    most never got caught!

  • gingerbread

    This is the single, most often used method to guilt a JW boyfriend or girlfriend into marriage.

    Fear of an elder's meeting and possible disfellowshipping gets a ring on a finger.

    The new couple now can share a secret as they enter a marriage. And ... it can be used as a control weapon for years to come!


  • truthhurts13

    Ah yes........ Got my first BJ from a girl in the next city over........ memories.........

  • biometrics

    When I was a kid attending the circuit assembly my JW friend would point out all the girls he'd messed around with from a former congregation. At the age of 14 he was also smoking, drinking, and listening to heavy-metal. All without his parents suspecting a thing. They had five boys in the family. Two weren't in "The Truth" so it wasn't too hard to avoid detection. My mum encouraged me to go to his place for association. Rather than spending time at "Worldly" kids places. The "Worldly" friends I had only did things like sailing, fishing, and camping.

  • free2beme

    Yes... last week. LOL

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