Positive Annual meeting speculations (science-fiction thread)

by zound 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • zound

    What if the annual meetings changes was actually something positive?

    Perhaps a lift of the blood ban - or loosening the disfellowshipping - or changing the Child abuse policies.

    First, what would you like to see the most. Second, how would it make you feel towards the borg if they made a change for the better?

  • zeb

    How about a full scale internationally announced through the media of an apology to all those victims of abuse and the removal of the gb and how many pages do i have.

  • snare&racket

    "We were only joking.......the whole time......since 1897......... Ha ha....."

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The blood policy

    The child abuse policy

    The disfellowshipping policy

    In that order from what causes the most evil and suffering (deaths foremost) to the least. These are the real issues. Who really gives a f*ck about the rest, eg, 1914 etc, and all the doctrinal, mumbo jumbo religious crap. It's the policies causing real suffering and harm that need to be scrapped ASAP!

    If they humbled themselves on those wicked policies I would only hate them a lot less. There would still be piles of lies and religious garbage remaining that would still mean I wouldn't give them the time of day.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think you have to add to the list:

    Policy on higher education -- their pejorative view hurts many people for the rest of their life.

    Claim to Divine Guidance -- this allows them to intimitate people into doing unreasonable things because GOD told them (via the GB) to do this. They should just admit that they are sincere, humble men trying to understand the Bible and encourage the masses to live a better, moral lifestyle, etc. IOW, we really don't have any special guidance from God, but we are giving it diligent study & meditation and speaking from the experience of many.

    Inferior treatment of women -- it just makes sense to change a policy that prevents some of the most knowledgeable and most capable people from being in positions where they can help the most. (Consider just a few of the outstanding women who participate on this board! Sharper than any of the Elders I happen to know.)

    Views on sexuality -- they've already adopted "Don't ask, Don't tell" on some of their antiquated sexual rules (ie oral sex within marriage), but it would take a dramatic upheaval to have a readjustment on sexual orientation, and such a change would probably cause many to head for the doors.

    I'm sure there are others.

    But if they made all of these changes, how would they remain different from "the world"?


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