Losch Norway Zone Visit Notes

by LostGeneration 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LostGeneration

    Atlantis posted a thread a week ago with notes from Losch's visit to Norway, for those that didn't download the file here are his gems of wisdom:

    The visit started in the Netherlands with 22 000, Denmark 16 000, Sweden 20 000.We are
    united and sometimes we make noise. Micah 2:12. Then he said you are also united in many
    languages here too. Arabic, English, French, Chinese, Sign Language, Serbian, Croatian,
    Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Tigrinya.

    We are united, what is united us is the truth.
    Sefanja 3:9 Is the pure language Norwegian?, no, is it English?, no, the pure language is a
    symbolic language. It is the truth about the Mosaic Kingdom. In the new world there is going
    to be one language, probably the language Adam and Eve was speaking.

    Think about when the cong. book study book we study now from Acts was realized we
    published literature in 480 languages, now we have literature in 600 languages.
    What is the reason? Micah 2:12: I- Jehovah units us.

    Then he gave examples of our unity: In Israel there are congregations with Hebrew, Arabic
    and Russian. In USA there are congregations with only white people but the elders are
    black. In Macedonia there in the south/east there is a city with a population with 30 000
    gypsies, there are 2 Kingdom H. they all are gypsies. In USA, Navaho tribe (about 400 000)
    in the territory 4 Kingdom H. and 3 congregations right outside the territory. Ephesians 4:1-
    5 the Principe to us all.

    He said in the capital in Sweden (Stockholm) there is a building called “The Globe” it looks
    like the earth but there are borders. In the reception in Brooklyn Bethel there is also a
    Globe but with no borders.

    After Armageddon there Will be no more Norway, Sweden, USA.
    We will have an administration center in the new world. Ezekiel 48:35. We are building now
    a place in Warwick (we don’t like the name, we hope rename it Peacewick) there will be a
    place for about 1000 Bethelites. If this is the new Adm. Center we don’t know. We do know
    there will be a Administrative Center in the new world.

    He “begged” us read the Bible every day.
    He also said we have to be in the flock, in the middle, yes we will “dump” into each other
    but that’s better than be outside the flock an be swallowed by predators.
    The great tribulation how do we know this is near? When we hear one or several statements
    about peace and security. Is 1 Thess. 5:3 fulfilled? No, destruction right after.

    It is when they think, we will not be fooled about this.

    More unifying things: In Mexico there is more than 60 different languages then Spanish and
    English. There is around 2 million who speak Maya. My wife, Tove Merete and I had the
    privilege to be at a convention with this people. There was 9.700 attendants, the hole
    program was in Maya also the songs.

    Think about this in Mexico there are 7 new Kingdom H. dedicate to Jehovah EVERY
    weekend. The year that has gone there were 400. Think to be at a Convention with 118 000
    attendants and 1001 baptized. Last year 2, 2 million was at the memorial in Mexico,
    Venezuela 400 000, Philippines 500 000, Zambia 700 000, Congo 1 million, Brazil 1 680 000.
    We see the fulfillment of Rev. 14:14.

    He talked about the importance of going to the meetings: Why do we go to the KH? To
    increase our knowledge? No, knowledge is not enough.
    (A Doctor have knowledge about smoking, still he smokes)

    We LOVE Jehovah and LOVE to praise him. Easy to remember this verse in the Bible: Psalms
    22:22, 111:1.

    He talked about the simplifications around the world. There are so many around the world
    he said and told us the places but said that this is not only financial means, its
    simplifications. Think about what this means in the preaching work: 70-80 % of the brothers
    and sisters can be used as special pioneers.

    We don’t have “national” feelings about this; we are united, aren’t we!
    What is important now? He made a parallel about year 66, fly, and don’t go into your house.
    The houses had to stairs one from the rooftop down to the middle of the house and a stair
    outside the house. The spirit in this is: Fly, drop the things you have in your hands. When
    the some political leaders and UN will go against Babylon the great there will be no place
    to run. When this happens you must consider losing your house, your work, your business.
    Say goodbye to all your belongings.

    After the final destruction of Babylon the great, Armageddon. Some think we have to
    preach to China, to the Muslim world before Armageddon? Right or wrong. Wrong, Matt.
    10:23. When they persecute YOU in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to YOU, YOU
    will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives. So,
    when they persecute us in China, Muslim countries we go to other countries. Remember
    what Jesus said: YOU will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the
    Son of man arrives. (cities of Israel couldn’t be in those days because the Son of man didn’t
    arrive at that time, added brother Lösch.)

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