P.A.M Dirac quotation, do the writers actually read the articles from which they quote?

by VM44 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • VM44

    The Awake magazine quoted the physicist P.A.M Dirac while discussing how the periodic law of the elements gives evidence for the existence of a Designer.

    g00 8/22 pp. 5-9 Peering Into the Unseen—What Is Revealed?

    A close study of the elements and how they fit together to form everything in the universe caused famous physicist P.A.M. Dirac, who was a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, to say: “One could perhaps describe the situation by saying that God is a mathematician of a very high order, and He used very advanced mathematics in constructing the universe.”

    The quotation originally appeared in the May 1963 issue of Scientific American in an article entitled "The Evolution of the Physicist’s Picture of Nature," and may be read online at this address:


    Note what the Awake writer wrote before quoting Dirac:

    "A close study of the elements and how they fit together to form everything in the universe caused famous physicist P.A.M. Dirac, who was a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, to say..."

    However, Dirac, in his article, never mentions the chemical elements, nor the Periodic Law, nor the Periodic Table, yet the Awake writer attributes Dirac's statement to a close study of them!

    This is an example that shows a writer that simply did not read the article from which they quoted.

    Worse, the writer made up a false statement in order to fit the quotation into the topic under discussion, which was the Periodic Table of the elements.

  • sir82

    The WTS, making stuff up to support their theology?

    Who'da thunk it!

  • truthseeker674

    Growing up as a born in I was a big fan of Scientific American. I had to hide these magazines from my parents LOL. I am sure when the article said that "god was a mathamatician of very high order" it was meant in the figuartive sense. Sort of like "God doesnt play dice with the universe.

  • VM44

    Here is a well written biography of the scientist P.A.M. Dirac.


    Among other accomplishments, he predicted the existence of Anti-Matter before it was discovered experimentally.

  • VM44

    Concerning the Awake! article in which the writer wrongly stated that P.A.M. studied the periodic table of the elements before being led to the conclusion that "God is a Mathematician," I am going to venture that the Awake writers have a collection of quotations made by various people on various topics, and when they are writing an article, they simply refer to this collection and copy the quotations they need from it.

    So the Awake! writer does not need to read the original article from where the quote was taken, he just takes what he needs from the quotation folder.

    However, this opens the door for mistakes to be made, as the writer does not know the original context, and might make up their own context for it in order to make the quote fit with what they are writing, as this particular instance shows.

  • AnnOMaly

    From the 12/2013 Awake!

    About This Magazine

    Awake! magazine is carefully researched. We attempt to document every fact, figure, and quotation. This journal is not influenced by activists, big business, or any human government. This magazine is supported by voluntary contributions. Its publishers believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that what the Bible says can be trusted. - http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201312/can-you-trust-news-media/

  • Comatose

    This type of bullsheet is what helped to wake me up. So horribly annoying!! But we don't want to forget one VERY important point.

    JW's all think that god gives us the publications. The thought of there being a human writer who lied or made a big mistake is unfathomable. God can't make a mistake. God writes the magazines through the faithful and discreet slave. Not men...

    these types of errors could help so wine to wake up.

  • VM44

    I vaguely remember scene in a film produced by the Watchotwer showing some Bethelites clipping articles from newspapers and magazines for the writing deparment.

    Anyone else remember seeing that?

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