Anyone still in; any speculation on 2014 Memorial being significant?

by mrquik 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrquik
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Can't you wait until the Annual Meeting in 3 week's time? If there are any 'new lights' on the event, the Masters of Your Faith will make a global announcement about it then, for maximum impact.

    All of a sudden, the Annual Meeting has become the focus of attention for 8 million - not the boring old Memorial which never changes and basically has nothing to do with us earthly-hopers!

    After the debacle last year when so few were "privileged" to hear all the REVERSALS of doctrines firsthand, the GB & their advisors have turned a PR disaster into a real coup, by capitalising on the masses wanting to share in the audience with the so-called FDS. It's surprising that it took so long for them to imitate the Pope's audiences in St. Peter's square. The financial benefits triggered will be considerable - all those previously uncalled - for donations flooding the coffers of assembly halls and other location on this new annual event!

    Be patient!! All will be revealed.

  • Bobcat


    Consider that the significance of 1914 is built upon a false chronology (607) AND upon a fanciful interpretation of Daniel 4 and Luke 21:24.

    Consider also that there is no evidence in the NT that Christians, after the Last Supper, commemorated the Lord's Evening Meal only annually.

    So what do you have? A 100 year anniversary that's not actually a 100 year anniversary of anything. And a Memorial that has very little resemblance to any first century 'Memorial.'

    I kinda think that any significance to the 2014 Memorial would have to be created by the GB, not by any Divine purpose.

    This reminds me of last years buildup to the DC, with the buildup in expectation about Daniel's prophecy and the "toes" of the image of chapter two. As it turned out, the explosive 'new light' was that the "toes" didn't mean anything! They turned, what otherwise would be an obscure announcement of a retraction in a newspaper, into 'exiciting headline-worthy new light.'

    If there is some announcement about the 2014 Memorial, I could see them saying that, 'Even though we think only the 144,000 should partake, we're going to allow anyone to partake if they feel they need to, and leave it between them and God.'

    Such an announcement would be non-news, since that is what partakers do anyways. And it would further minimize and negate any who partake, effectively leaving the GB as the only legitimate partakers and leaders. Finishing what the new FDS doctrine started.

    That is just a personal speculation though, I haven't heard any news otherwise.

    Take Care

  • Londo111

    MrQuik: you mean the bloodmoon?

    Lots of rumors, nothing confirmed.

  • caliber

    "All of a sudden, the Annual Meeting has become the focus of attention for 8 million -"

    Will they say that all of the 'domestics' being the anointed and other sheep, are all in the new covenant and can partake of the emblems regardless of whether it is their hope to live forever in the new earth or new heavens to come ?

    There is no risk from power seekers now the the FDS is not a class but a group of eight men... and that only when they sit in


    Also the relocation of the WT to Warwick will re-establish the 'barn building spirit" in the critical year 2014 and those to follow

  • sir82

    It will be every bit as significant as the memorials in past years.

    Which is to say, it will be marked by a boring speaker, a disinterested audience, the JW "sister" competition to see who can dress the smartest, and lots of earnest hand-shaking of those who only show up once a year.

    In other words, not significant at all.

  • AnnOMaly

    If there is some announcement about the 2014 Memorial, I could see them saying that, 'Even though we think only the 144,000 should partake, we're going to allow anyone to partake if they feel they need to, and leave it between them and God.'

    Nope. Dec. 15th study edition - hot off the press.

    18 Most in attendance respectfully abstain from partaking of the emblems as they are passed because Jesus indicated that only those who will reign in his heavenly Kingdom are to partake. (Read Luke 22:28-30; 2 Tim. 4:18 ) All others present will be respectful observers. Still, being at the Lord’s Evening Meal is important, for being there shows how highly they value Jesus’ sacrifice. During the Memorial, they can reflect on the blessings that they can have on the basis of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. They have the prospect of being among the “great crowd” who survive the coming “great tribulation.” Those are worshippers who will have “washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” — Rev. 7:9, 14-17 .

    [Q.18] If few or even none partake of the emblems, why is it still important to be present?

  • caliber

    the Annual Meeting has become the focus of attention for 8 million -"

    Maybe it will be this exciting then

  • Bobcat



    Thanks. I can strike that off my list of speculations.

    Take care

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