NATO the disgusting thing of the Rev, not UN?

by Liquidizer 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Liquidizer

    After the Cold War and the collapse of communism the role of NATO has changed. It's also expanding slowly through the Companionship of Peace program and within a few years it will get new membership applicants. And the Russia is strongly against this expansion of NATO, especially in the Baltic states, Poland, Hungary etc. NATO has also been a key player in peace keeping or forcing in former Yugoslavia and in some other places. Sometimes it acts a lot quicker than the UN and what is important here is the fact that it can act independently without any resolutions by the UN. Besides Nato has a real force behind its back because it can take part in combats unlike the UN peace keepers. Nato can act like the 8th king of the Revelation.

    So what do you think? If Russia is still the King of the North, this scenario could be true. Could Nato be the disgusting thing of the Rev, not the UN? What's your opinion about this possibility?


    This is the end of the world
    As we know it
    And I feel fine


  • Xander

    Edit - scratch reply....looking into (trying to read Italian sites not easy)

    Okay, better reply:
    The Russian Foreign Minister was at NATO HQ on 15 April to pursue discussions with Lord Robertson on the creation of a new mechanism for NATO-Russia cooperation.

    From NATO's website (, imaginatively enough)

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • SixofNine

    Learn this: there is nothing about revelation that applies to modern day. Nothing.

    Did you miss that fact that it was written 2k years ago? Did you miss the fact that it is composed of maniacal ravings?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'm with Six on this.

    If John's visions had any meaning at all, as opposed to being a first-century "Fear and Loathing in Patmos", the meaning came and went a long, long time ago.

  • Liquidizer

    Yes, of course, SixofNine, I know that about the Revelation. I just tried to open up a speculative discussion, that's all.

    And Xander, there's no co-operative agreement yet between Nato and Russia. Situation may change sometimes rapidly. Remember how Hitler and Stalin had an agreement that was broken by Hitler when he saw it suitable for his war campaign...

    Well, it seems I didn't manage to be provocative enough... ;-D


    This is the end of the world
    As we know it
    And I feel fine


  • sf

    "...there is nothing about revelation that applies to modern day. Nothing."

    One day a few years ago, I read the entire book of revelations, in one sitting. It mesmerized me. It was also clear to me that it was highly symbolic and was to be read on a deeper level (between the lines) to comprehend it fully, for mySELF. I thusly concluded too that it did not apply to this "old system/old world".

    It sure was a captivating read though.


  • SixofNine

    LOL @ Nathan: "Fear and Loathing in Patmos".


  • one


    Are you still freddy's disciple? He died a decade ago!

    Try a sex topic...

    Try a topic about stocks and wall Street, but i am no even that will stir speculation here.

    This board is for entertaiment with light or perveted topics such as wt fluf, pedoph.. etc

    Take heart, keep trying who knows, you will improve your keyboard typing skill, unless you use voice regoinition software to type.

    BTW IBM is putting a lot of money in that technology.
    Good, that way some more people will be able to 'talk' on this and other boards

  • Liquidizer

    Oh yeah, one, on the contrary, I'm Freddy's opposer... he was already dead when I became a JW.

    Yes, I do mistakes in writing but I think I'm better than Happy Man, do you agree, one? :-D


    This is the end of the world
    As we know it
    And I feel fine


  • Carmel

    Perhaps if you were to ask about something more meaningful like "what commodities would you invest in if you had $10,000 to play with?" you'd get more attention. It sure would provoke me, I tell ya!


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