Ministry Moments

by radar 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    Do any of you remember an Awake once entitled " Pornography Why Resist It?

    Well I placed no end of those magazines. Even getting a few sniggers from the householders.

    My "ministry partner" pointed out, that perhaps I was putting the wrong message across, that my emphasis was in the wrong place.

    When I read the Title page.
    I would say "Pornography Why Resist It? raising my voice on the "why resist it part"

    Was this the devil comeing out in me?

    Can you recall any of your ministry moments of madness?

  • LDH

    Because there was one old brother who used to "Lord it over" the Field Service meeting (sometimes arriving an hour early just to make sure he could conduct the meeting)--he always assigned my sister and me to work with him. [8>]

    Anyhow, one day in cold Upstate New York while going door to door (I should add he *never* went door to door--just kept the car running and warm) I was really pissed that we had to keep getting out in the frigid weather. My sister and I started arguing, I was ready to tell the Brother to bring my ass home.

    We were actually arguing as we went door to igloo to igloo, LOL. Well this one house we were at, my sister opened the screen door to slip a tract in (not at home) and the screen door came off the hinges, slid down the hill shot across the sidewalk and into the street.

    So we go running after it, drag it up the hill, lean it on the door frame as best as we could, removed our tract LOL, and start to go back to the car. I'm not sure what words were passed but at some point I slugged her HARD in the back(right on the sidewalk!) She fell off the slippery steps, ripped her tights and her whole bookbag dumped all over the place. Even she had to laugh.

    We made our way back to the car, where she showed off her now *bloody* knee, and we both said we wanted to go home.

    What a memory. Thanks radar.

  • LucidSky

    LMOA! @ radar & LDH

    Nothing personal since I didn't get out much. But some of my friends like to start off their time with a nearby return visit and then go for brunch the rest of the morning.

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