Update for end of august

by ILoveTTATT 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    I have learnt to keep my mouth shut in public and my "real life". This is a huge advancement. I kind of screwed up by telling some of TTATT to someone about two weeks ago (the conversation just took a weird turn), but thankfully, he has even more "apostate" doubts than I do!! Even so... I shut up and I am hoping he does not go to the elders.

    My dad is understanding the blood doctrine, and feels more and more disgusted at the WTS. This is a good thing, he is feeling the same dissapointment I felt when I learnt TTATT. He just needs more time to process things. I am trying to do fun things with mom and dad so that I can get out the real person. In conversations with mom and dad present, we talked about me reading the Kingdom Interlinear. I talked about words such as episcopos and diaconos. My mom said, "oh, isn't that what the Catholic Church invented?" and my dad came in and said, "Isn't diakonos the equivalent of Ministerial Servant"? and I was "That is correct, dad"... My mom was interested in the conversation... and at least she found out that some of the stuff that she thinks about other religions was wrong.

    I am loving the idea of the internet's anonymity. I comment often on pro-JW Facebook pages or ask questions on Yahoo. I have various comments and I am helping many people learn TTATT in a forum that is seen by thousands. This helps ease the pain of not telling my friends and family. At least I am helping some people. Even one life not spent slaving for the Watchtower or one life saved because they are aware is happiness for me.

    I am working to translate an apostate website. I have contacted other Spanish-speaking apostates and we are all communicating to further spread TTATT in the most matter-of-fact manner.

    Thanks for reading!!


  • Kojack57

    Keep up the good work ILOVETTATT

  • speargrass55

    More power to you. But if you're not yet ready to be kicked out keep your mouth shut. Believe me, no matter how reasonable your argument may sound most witnesses will simply rat you out to the elders.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi ILoveTTATT, Best of wishes with your stealth reverse-witnessing and helping your parents to critically think for themselves.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • RayPublisher

    Good for you- and translating the websites is a huge deal, as the automated way is not very good.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Hey!! GREAT NEWS!!

    One of the friends who I initially told TTATT (months ago) and then didn't tell him anything for fear he would turn me to the elders (starting like 2 months ago) just called me and said that he hasn't been to the meetings in 7 weeks because of what I told him, and that he's happy he's found a girlfriend who is not a witness whom he is in love with!!


    SOOOOOO HAPPY!! I have helped one life not be ruined by WTS!!


  • whathappened

    If we all work to help someone learn ttatt, and they in turn help others to learn ttatt, it is just a matter of time.

    Last night we saw the movie "the Butler." It dealt heavily on racism and the civil rights movement in the 50's, 60's & 70's. It started as a small movement and now, most young people I talked to don't even know the extent of the problem.

    The WTBTS will go down, if we all work to promote awareness.

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