WTBTS' Pathetic Low Ranking!

by JW GoneBad 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    1. On-line Google Search: ‘Top On-line Bible Search Tools’

    WTBTS no show!

    2. On-line Google Search: ‘Top Ten Bibles’

    WTBTS no show!

    3. On-line Google Search: ‘Top Christian Marriage Books’

    WTBTS no show!

    4. On-line Google Search: ‘Ten Christian Best-Sellers You Should Own Books’

    WTBTS no show!

  • ILoveTTATT

    Would you WANT it to have a high ranking?? I hope it forever stays that way (The low ranking)!!

  • rmt1

    This demonstrates that TWS products are not intended to have any impact on the world at large. TWS products are entirely, from page one to page last, designed to net a fishermans' haul of naivety, emotional, social, mental turmoil, and of course, to give the appearance that there is any kind of lifesaving work whatsoever, and to give the impression that there is any kind of spiritual paradise whatsoever. It's third grade argumentation on pulp crap paper with kindergarten zoo cartoons, unless you count fake undocumentary staged crap images depicting 'worldiness', or more cartoons of divine genocide. Nothing to do with the real world. No attempts to engage with the real world. They get millions of miles out of 'come to me you who are toiling and loaded down'. Pyramid scheme.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    The target market is toddlers. and they have to hook them before 3rd grade...

  • prologos

    what does TWS stand for ? Tower Worls Sillyness?

  • frankiespeakin

    Maybe they might make the cult list?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    If a person googles the search words ‘top ten Bibles’, you’d think (as much as WT boasts of its Bible’s superiority) WT’s New World Translation would be listed as one of the top ten or that it would at least rank somewhere on the first, second or third page-but no!

    Likewise with any other Bible topic you google; you’ll find a lot of ‘worldly’ publications on various Bible subjects but none of WT’s publications. Here you have an organization that brags its’ God organization on earth and yet it has such a low ranking online. That is pathetic!

  • krejames

    Maybe they don't want to pay google to bump up their ranking. After all, if someone's heart condition is right, the Holy Spirit will guide them to the right website

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