just a little anti-witnessing

by JunkYardDog 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • JunkYardDog

    I whipped the crap out of some jw elder at the gas station today . using every thing from 1799 to the new july 15 2013 wt.. he never had and idea what hit him., Long story short I humblied his ass. he ran to his car as fast as he could. once he ran into the WT EXPOSER...


  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    NEW YAUGHTS!!!! @#$@#$@#$ WE JUST LOVE THIS IDEA!!!!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Well done, Junk Yard Dog! How did you do it?! Usually these guys drown you out with "but which other organization uses God's name? Which other organization preaches?" And so on and so forth, like a sort of catechism.

  • jw07

    Sounds great! Please share your method with us Once the seed of TTATT has been planted it doesn't stop growing. Unless of course you are really stupid.


    Dude, let's hear the story!!

  • JunkYardDog

    It's so easy to Expose the jw's. I hit them with some facts from the wt pub's they can't deny. once they agree I* ask did the holy sprit really tell them to print that? and teach that false teaching in the NAME of Jehoov er AND jesus CHRIST FOR 80 YEARS as bIBLE TRUTH? and they just DUMP OUT WHAT JESUS TOLD YOU TO YOU TO PRINT As bible facts. because time runs out.... on the bull crap the fds says. I'm never at a lost for words handling 10 jw's at a time. and the Prov 4:18 don't work with me, because there is no LIGHT IN TEACHING LIE'S IN THE NAME OF JOE-HOOVER... IT'S LIKE TAKING CANDY FROM BABIES. I HAVE KICKED THE CRAP out of so many AS**** SO CALLED ELDers . Bethelite dopes, and Scum in the Writing dept. at Patterson and brooklyn. and the Scum and service dept. any. the jw that have's question's try calling bethel at 1718 560 5000 and see how they treat / they will treat you like crap if you ask a hard question. you have to KNOW HOW to stand up to these Bastards. I NEVER LOSE = talking to ANY JW that includes THE DOPES IN BETHEL.....

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