Nine O'clock News (Not The)

by Haereticus 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Haereticus

    By Tuesday "a ministerial servant" posted message on a local religious forum wondering why any witness would still idenfy themselves on the forum especially after special talk given last Sunday? By Wednesday the very same nick came up again and stressed main features of the special talk:

    "Armageddon is just around the corner. Concentrating on preaching is now more important and urgent than ever before. Do not lose your last chance by fraternizing with apostates (eg. on this forum and Internet in general). This is pointed especially to those which consider family- or other reason as an excuse to keep close relation with apostates."

    What a press stop, I was rendered speechless. Have any of you ever heard anything like this before?

  • LDH

    Yeah, good luck keeping the Gen Xrs and the Gen Yers off the internet, LOL.

    Do not lose your last chance
    Have there been other 'last chances' that I missed?



    120 years of last chances.....................

  • LizardSnot

    If Armageddon is just around the corner what did 1975 mean?
    27 years later and we are still 'rounding the corner.
    I wont hold my breathe ;)


  • Dutchie

    Actually Armegeddon has been just around the corner for over 100 years. Since they changed the definition of the biblical "generation" they have to find some new way to keep the brothers busy and on their toes. So they are rehashing the age old teaching that "the end is just around the corner". I guess they think that it worked before, maybe it'll work again. Yeah, right.

  • funkyderek
    Have any of you ever heard anything like this before?

    Yep, all my life. Any day now, just around the corner, keep on the watch, etc. ad nauseum.

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