Update on my story

by ILoveTTATT 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    Hi everyone!!

    For all you who are just reading this forum and find out the truth about the truth: Learn from my mistakes please!!

    With the wisdom that I have gotten from JWN, reading Freedom of Mind by Steven Hassan (yes, I finally read it!), I now have changed my strategy:

    1. If I tell anyone TTATT, get people to think using things that are important to them, like the blood issue.
    2. Exclusively use information that can be found in the WT Library... there's sufficient info there to "put them away" for a long time
    3. I will not tell any more JW's besides my dad about TTATT, I hope that the few that I have told forget that I told them, I will just be there but not talk to them or touch the subject anymore. If I tell people TTATT, it will be people who have never been JW and only to have them be a part of my support network, which I am growing.
    4. I have told my dad that our conversations are private, and that there is absolutely no consequence to anyone if we just talk about things privately. He has already kept other things that I have told him from my mom, so I know he can keep confidentiality. I have also told him that, if I convince him of all the things that I say to him (He seems to be accepting more and more the things that I say to him)... that he will have to have a fade-out plan. He agrees with this, we will start thinking of a fade-out plan for myself and for himself. We will also think of ways to make my mom think critically without making it too obvious... I have asked her, for example, do you REALLY think the world is bad? I mean, I hate it when the news makes a perfectly OK place a "dangerous" place by exagerating the risk!

    Now that you have read the update, my question is, should I "Wait and see" with the people I have told TTATT to? I sure am "keeping my fingers crossed," and even praying (ironically), that they do not go to the elders.

    Should I recant? I think that recanting would be the WORST thing possible since it will effectively mean that those people are lost forever... and I don't want that!! It would reinforce into them that resistance is futile... even a really smart person could be wrong, thought the WT was wrong and then he repented...

    I think that the best course of action is speeding up the process with dad, and slowly, both of us, starting the process with mom, and hoping that other people will not tell on me. If other people tell on me, I am screwed!!

    P.S. In a very liberating act, I ripped my blood card. I will post tomorrow about my current blood issue beliefs.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Try to pass off your telling TTATT to others as you trying to help someone on the

    web that has questions . Make it not be YOUR info or questions .

    That way it can look like you are just trying to help a inquiring one .

  • wallsofjericho
    P.S. In a very liberating act, I ripped my blood card.

    I ran mine through shredder about 5 or 6 years ago. felt GREAT!!

  • jgnat

    Here's a good question for any nosy Witness. Looking them dead in the eye, ask, "Do you REALLY want to know?" A participant here used it effectively with her Aunt and surprisingly, her Aunt said yes! What followed was an engaging conversation.

    Asking them, seriously, to reconsider their asking does a couple things. They have given permission so they can't protest their burning ears later. They asked for it. It also provides them an easy out so if they aren't ready to hear what you have to say, they can back off gracefully.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    If confronted by the Enforcers, all you have to say is, "Thank you for bringing to my attention that Sister Vigilant has misinterpreted our discussion. I was merely pointing out that a Watchtower article said such and such, but now it's totally different. I'll make sure that I don't cause upset again by explaining that I am only quoting what our FDS once revealed as truth".

  • problemaddict

    I still have my blood card. Tattered and worn in an old wallet. I want to keep it to remind myself of what I used to think, when I didn't think for myself.

  • jgnat

    problemaddict, please do me a huge favour and put a big redXthrough your card, and initial it. Heaven forbid a stranger find you unconscious, bleeding, on the sidewalk, and find that darn card.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi ILoveTTATT, DITTO what other posters have said. The nice thing about JWs is that they are predictable and will attempt to use fear and innuendo to trap you. Your best option is to play dumb without lying. If the elders ask you if you said something, ask them "Who said such a thing about me (with a shocked look on your face and looking them in the eyes)? Is someone trying to gossip and spread doubts about me? Could they have missinterpreted what I said?"

    My biggest concern would be about your father. Has he read Steve Hassan's book "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs" and visited www.jwfacts.com? If he has not, then his cult persona can always dominate his authentic persona in the future. Go slowly with your father until he expresses more conviction about his doubts and expresses wanting to fade from WTBTS to you. Now might be a good time to strengthen your bond with him doing hobbies that you both like and ones that will help him to increase his support network of non-JWs. Do you like to watch sporting events, fish, hunt, fix cars, etc.?

    As far as your friends and mother go, you can always prepare them for TTATT without increasing your risk that they will tell the elders about you. Just invite them to do fun things with you that will help them meet more non-JWs as if you never mentioned your doubts to them. If they ask you questions, just tell them you love them, that you believe that Jesus Christ would not approve of shunning because of Mt 22:37-40, and ask them simple questions back that will not adversely affect you but may help them to do more research using the WTBTS Cd's and the Bible. You can always ask them simple questions using the scriptures about the Pharisees and Sadduces and how Jesus Christ condemned them to help JWs understand BITE control techniques without mentioning anything about Steve Hassan and BITE control.

    Best of wishes for helping your JW family and friends to critically think for themselves.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


    P.S. - How are your plans going to get a better education/training?

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