So how do you get away from all of this???

by Narcissistic Supply 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    So how do you get away from all of this?

    Read Read REad.
    Set Goals. Lots of Goals.
    Make lots of lists of where you want to be in 5 years. 10 years.
    What you want to do. Where you want to be. The people you want to meet.
    The places you want to visit.
    Learn a skill. Go to school. Educate yourself. Stay busy. Have fun. Try to focus on family. Focus on the important people in your life.
    50 percent of education is the social contacts you make.
    50 percent of education is the skills you learn with people.
    50 percent of education is related to people.
    It’s not book smart.
    EVerybody is different.
    The VVatchtower never quite got this concept down.
    People learn differently.
    People have different genetic make up.
    People are just different.
    It’s the wonders of heredity.
    It’s the wonders of the grand and glorius gene pool.
    It’s the wonders of things we have yet to understand.
    God is up there laughing at you.
    He’s up there laughing at me.
    It’s all a big joke.
    The VVatchtower is just a stool pigeon.
    They sit there and see how many fools they can attract.
    And god has a good laugh about it.
    I’m praying that you and I can laugh about it too.
    Not take ourselves too seriously.
    Have fun.
    Enjoy life.
    It’s for the living.

  • sarahsmile

    Good thing God is laughing with us!

  • whathappened

    Welcome Narcissistic, I didn't get a chance to greet you let.

    Good idea to make a list and set goals for yourself.

    Hope you got out in time to enjoy the life you have left.

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