Abuse of Power - Today's WT Study, May 10, 2015 (w2015 3/15)

by Oubliette 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    Ok, so I only read the WT study articles to keep up with the indoctrination that my two "still-in" children are being subjected to.

    When I read this in today's WT I nearly blew a gasket:

    [Naboth] held to Jehovah’s Law in the face of horrific abuse of power. (Num. 36:7; 1 Ki. 21:3) His example thus speaks to us because any one of us may face persecution for similar reasons. (Read 2 Timothy 3:12.) - [Emphasis added]

    I gotta' tell you, maybe I've been more fortunate than others, but pretty much THE ONLY ONGOING ABUSE OF POWER I'VE EVER HAD TO DEAL WITH IN MY ENTIRE LIVE HAS BEEN FROM THE WTBTS!

    I trusted these fuckers and they lied to me, to all of us. How hypocritical of them to write offensive words like this when they themselves are guilty of the atrocities which they denounce?

    The leadership of the WTBTS should be held accountable for their crimes against countless millions of people.

    Since I've left the organization I've pretty much become an atheist. If there is a "god," he/she/it is certainly nothing like the childish, bronze-age desert god depicted in the Bible.

    Sometimes I feel a little cheated that there isn't such a god, for he surely would severely punish the likes of the self-appointed "Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses" for their many lies, hypocrisies and errors.

    But there isn't such a god and there is no one to hold them accountable. The only thing we can do is to live our own life and learn to trust ourselves.

  • Deltawave
    Too flipping right!!!!!!
  • DesirousOfChange

    Let me sum it up with Oubilette's words:

    I trusted these fuckers and they lied to me, to all of us.


    One more thing:

    Let's review: It's a cult.

  • prologos
    abuse of power related to real estate. ahab/jezebel took the field from the Naboth family, wt took all the halls, from the locals that build them. History repeats itself aka types/ antitypes. Can you hear the dogs barking, abusers of power? the establishment?
  • ctrwtf
    I'm glad to know that I'm in good company when referring to these people as fuckers.

    Oubliette has a lisp and was actually saying SUCKERS !!

  • Oubliette
    No, ctrwtf got it right!
  • flipper

    OUBLIETTE- Very good point. I'm with you. Only main abuse of power I've suffered from in my life has been at the hands of the WT Society and their appointed minions as well. WT Society leaders are so narrow minded and arrogant in their views that they would NEVER view themselves as abusing power - they themselves have a " persecution complex " a mile long and they look at the " world " as " persecuting " them - the WT leaders ! I believe they use this pretend " persecution complex " as a marketing tool in mind control to lure rank & file JW's to side with them in a " it's us against the world " syndrome thus blinding JW's to the fact that GB members could ever ABUSE power - they have the view that THEY are abused by the world. It's such a narrow view and misleading indeed.

    This abuse of power by WT leaders is one reason I keep banging the drum on the child abuse issue. I tell everybody I can about the WT leaders own abuse of power. What was the old saying, " power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely " ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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