Comments on the Lozano case, unbelievable..

by The Quiet One 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • The Quiet One
  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Sister Vernalee Florida Panhandle Posted01 August 2013 - 08:25 AM "Sad to say these things do happen, even in our Organization. However the brothers take the information they get immediately to the authorities."

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    (The logic here is staggering) pinkpopcorn Advanced Member Moderator 2,161 posts Sister Chris FL Posted01 August 2013 - 09:56 AM "Unlike the Catholic or other churches, we now take steps to remove the wicked man from among us. This was not always the case because of being hampered by the 'two witness policy' which is absolutely scriptural.. But, Jesus has come to the rescue. Now the victims of crimes can go to Caesar and to the spiritual elders without feeling that nobody will take action..... The Catholic church holds serious culpability for just moving guilty ones around which allowed the wicked one not be caught. Within that organization they give 'sanctuary' to criminals. I recall an article we had years ago that brought out how God does not harbor criminals behind closed doors."

  • nonjwspouse

    The wool over the eyes of some of those people. They fully believe the WT is protecting the chldren. The two witness rule is DEFENDED in numerous posts.

    Reading such ignorance and mind control is absolutly sickening..

  • L3G

    Wow, so against all the counsel from the borg active Witnesses in good standing keep this board up?

    What's up with this? Is the GB finally relenting or what?

  • rip van winkle
  • zeb

    I had a quick look at this board. They utter the standard line and the ignorance of the masses.

    and I was surprised to see a section on music and hobbies! How often I read that hobbies or non kh pursuits were suspect as they took you away from the kingdom work (or words similar). and that Sr Vernalee sounds like one of those older sisters who exert a big influence on those around them. She must be or would not have gone to print. What I used to call the 'dragon' class.

    Yes the UN may one day move on religion and the JW but it wont be for their love of God, of good or living a life of contemplation or dignity it will be to flatten orgs that are as had been said so often before, are a paedophiles paradise.

  • Jeffro

    Someone on the forum says:

    Thankfully we know that things like this are always dealt with judicially in our organization - other churches take no action against average members.

    But the news article says the person was an "usher", which would make the abuser a ministerial servant.

    Not to mention the fact that all baptised JWs are supposedly 'ordained ministers' and that JWs supposedly 'have no clergy class'. Except when convenient.

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