
by Nowhere 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nowhere

    This has frustrated me for a while...

    Ok, pretend that Jerusalem was destroyed in october 607 bce.

    Ok then, 1 year later it would be in october 606 bce, right?
    And 2 years later it would have been in october 605 bce?
    And 606 years later it would be in october 1 bce?
    and after 607 years we would end up in october year 0?
    (it´s the first year, yes, but still year 0 uh?)

    Is that correct? coz the witnesses says we would be in october year 1...

    Can anyone correct me here?

    If I am not wrong, the beginning of the end should have begun in october 1913...

  • Elsewhere

    At the time that the Christian calendar was created, the number Zero did not exist (people where tortured and burned for suggesting it).

    The dates went like this: 3BC, 2BC, 1BC, 1AD, 2AD, 3AD...

    So the "zero" year was missing.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • amccullough

    That's funny that Nowhere got an an answer from Elsewhere.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    ...was destroyed in october 607 bce.
    .............................-1 year later .......
    ...................october = 606 bce, right? YES
    .........................And -2 years later ......
    it would have been in october=605 bce? No 604
    .....................................And -606 years later
    it would be in october 1 bce?...........No, 2 ad
    and after 607 years we would end up in october year 0? I think that's right...

    Break the chains that bind you,
    unless, of course, you're into that sort of thing.
  • Nowhere
    At the time that the Christian calendar was created, the number Zero did not exist (people where tortured and burned for suggesting it).
    The dates went like this: 3BC, 2BC, 1BC, 1AD, 2AD, 3AD...

    and therefor, when we now know that there is a year 0. The correct date when counting 2520 years from 607 bce, is october 1913?

  • Realist

    there was no year 0 (or AD 0, 0 BC). The year before 1 A.D. is defined as year 1 B.C., so year 0 was skipped. Therefore, January 1st, year 1 is defined to be the start of the 1st century and the 1st Millennium. Besides it is highly doubtable that we really live in the year 2002. there are many years, especially around 900ad for which no real proof exists. so one year more or less doesn't matter :)

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