Crazy Stuff Jesus Said and Did

by Oubliette 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    When we believe that the Bible really is the inspired word of God, we approach it with a certain mindset that does weird things to our thinking abilities, namely shutting them off. Due to this cognitive bias, we blindly accept that whatever we read in the Bible--no matter how bizarre, outrageous or non-sensical--must be there for a good reason, even if we don't or can't understand it. The fault of course is ours, not the Bible's, and most certainly not God's!

    When we read accounts where God or Jesus said or did things that seem wrong to us, we convince ourselves that they knew what they were doing and it MUST be right, even if we can't understand how or why. Again, this is due to our predisposed way of forcing interpretations on the Bible narrative a certain way that induces cognitive bias. BTW, it is important to keep in mind that cognitive biases usually lead to deviations in judgment and are in fact perceptual distortions, inaccurate judgments, illogical interpretations, or what may broadly be called irrationality. This is not good.

    But once we entertain the notion that maybe--just maybe--the Bible is NOT the inspired word of God, then an amazing thing happens: The proverbial scales fall from our eyes and we realize that there's some pretty crazy stuff in the Bible.

    I'd like to launch this discussion by discussing crazy stuff that Jesus said or did. Maybe in the future we could get to Old Testament insanity as well, or perhaps you'd like to start your own spin-off thread. Knock yourself out!

    I'll get the ball rolling with one of my favorite weird statements attributed to Jesus. This is the one that really got the whole control-freakery thing going, at least as far as Christianity is concerned:

    John 15:14 - Y OU are my friends if YOU do what I am commanding YOU .

    Nice! Just do what I say and we'll all get along fine.

    Any wonder so many "Christian" churches turn into cults. This verse is Cult 101.

    Now it's your turn. Please, share your favorite crazy thing that Jesus said or did.

  • Nosferatu

    Jesus cursed the fig tree because it wouldn't grow fruit after he told it to. Someone pissed in his corn flakes that morning.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Very true. I was in a small seminar on Jesus with Orthodox Jewish men who were getting brownie points for medical school. Medical school acceptance rate is high for religion majors. We had to take a NT introductory course before the seminar. An outsider's perspective was amazing. They were the only students who could separate the true Bible Jesus from the mashed up cultural Jesus.

  • mP

    The fig tree is a refernce to Dionisuis. The story about the turning water into wine is another. D was the Greek god of wine etc. The gospel are trying to show that Jesus is better than D. Nearly every miracle story is a rewrite of stories found in the OT or other gods. Eg elijah fed a small crowd with a few loaves and fishes, Jesus of course has to do one better and feed 4000 or is it 5000. JOnah was in the belly of the fish, so too must Jesus be etc.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    The fig tree is really strange. Did Jesus really believe that fig trees gives fruit at easter? As far as I remember this happened at easter.

  • mP

    dimissing: The gods make the earth fertile at easter. The text is saying Jesus is (a) god.

  • scotoma

    I like the part where Jesus said you have to report field service three months in a row before you can be baptized.

    Oops! I got my crazy stuff mixed up.

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