Comparing past prophets with the WTBS

by Leander 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leander

    I'm not sure if anyone has done a thorough examination of prophets and chosen representatives in the past with the WTBS, but if not maybe collectively we can examine this issue.

    Basically over the years the society has repeatedly made the claim that Jehovah's Witnesses are God's modern day prophetlike organization. However the fact needs to be pointed out that its primarily the governing body that makes the doctrinal teachings, interpatations and predictions. The ordinairy rank and file witnesses (elders and ministerial servants included) do not and to my knowledge have never had any involvement in what is taught to the organization. So my point in this is that the governing body is the so called modern day prophet.

    With that last point in mind when we review this modern day prophet's history it becomes apparent that their have been numerous predictions and assumptions that were blatantly incorrect. Further examination of this modern day prophet's track record reveals that there has been major changes in doctrine as well as flip flopping back and forth on other issues as well. However there is a possibility that there are some truths that are being taught by this prophet. In fact there could even be truth in their hope for a earthly paradise. But unfortunately due to the many inconsistincies in the past it becomes difficult to determine if what is currently being taught is actually truth from God.

    So now that we've had a brief moment to examine the WTBS and its claim as a modern day prophet lets talk a bit about the prophets in the bible. Over the centuries Jehovah has used a number of prophets to make his word known. Often times he sent these men to urge the people to stop their present course of badness and return to God's way of doing things. So my questions about these bibical prophets are as follows:

    1. At anytime has a representative or prophet of Jehovah made mistakes in prophecy or spiritual teachings?

    2. (If yes to the above question)How was the mistake rectified and was the prophet reprimanded or punished?

    3. Has any chosen spokesperson for God flip flopped back and forth on bibical or spiritual information?

    Well if you're still with me up until this point please feel free to share your thoughts.

  • AlanF

    Leander, I agree with your observations.

    I thought that an especially good point was that "there is a possibility that there are some truths that are being taught by this prophet." Of course there are many truths taught by the JWs -- if everything they taught were blatant lies they wouldn't last very long. A lot of what they teach is solidly based on the Bible, just as a lot of what pretty much every Christian religion is. A good deal of what they teach even makes sense. It's the goofy and false and inhumane and unscriptural stuff that makes them no better than any other group, and by their own teaching, false teachers and therefore "false prophets".

    As for your questions: The most usual example given by JWs that I can think of, of a prophet who made a mistake, was Nathan, when he told David that he could go ahead and build a temple to God. Nathan was actually offering his opinion, apparently based on everything else that he had prophesied about David. But he was divinely corrected in a very short time, in fact, as he was leaving David's residence. God's angel told him to go back and tell David that he was wrong, and that David would not build a temple. There is no biblical record that I can remember where Nathan was punished. I would say that the humiliation of speaking his own opinion as if it were God's word would have been enough to make him quit doing that. I don't know of any true spokesmen for God flip-flopping about spiritual information.


  • rekless

    how about flip flopping concerning the king of the North,this generation, the inhabitants of Sodom & Gomarrah whether they will be ressurrected or not., or how about, "We don't want to be like the rest of the world thinking the heart is only a pump."

    Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams

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