4 grandsons and a nephew...about twenty years ago

by Glander 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    The nephew is on the far right, this is Berengaria's son. Great kid. The two musclemen to the left of him are now both fathers of 2 daughters each (our 4 great-grandaughters) the other two on the far left are still single and frisky. All great kids. Photo taken at Pinecrest lake in the California Sierra mountains. None of them are JW's and when we have family get togethers and the "old folks" talk about being JW's they kind of roll their eyes and wonder away! LOL.

    I have the same guys in the same pose taken about 10 years later. I'll try to put it up.

    Photo: My grandsons and nephew when you kids were so young

  • Gayle

    So glad the WTS didn't get these adorable "muscle men."

    My two sisters and 2 brothers are in this picture (at left) here. We had 15 kids altogether. They, also, have had to listen at our many, many 'get-togethers and listen to our WT 'war' stories. Also fortunately, we've had many celebrations of life, birthdays, weddings, and holidays, now grandchildren and normal!!

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