Who could tell me the current WT stance on JW's Facebook, etc.use?

by Glander 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Glander

    Seems that over recent months that JW's were being forbade to participate due to interaction with mentally deseased apostates. Has this been softened? I have a reason for asking.

    I use the word "current" because it seems the Watchtower "use by" dates are getting shorter all the time. Like last weeks Dow Jones averages.

  • respectful_observer

    Pretty much "if you choose to use it, don't abuse it." I've never read in any publication, nor heard from any stage that JWs are forbidden to use it.

  • DesirousOfChange

    At our Circuit Assm a year or two ago, the CO said that all the Pubs say "well, the Society has never really specifically mentioned Facebook, so I will: FACEBOOK FACEBOOK FACEBOOK. There I said it. When we are admonished to avoid social media, they mean FACEBOOK included."

    I guess maybe about a dozen folks listened, obeyed, and . . . . . . will be blessed.


  • kjg132

    It is not Forbidden there is just heavy cautionary remarks and warnings about social media...basically what DOC said. When I was "still in" a couple years ago...some people I know would seemingly follow the advise and get right off and tell others to do so to, but then eventually they would all get back on.

  • Glander

    some people I know would seemingly follow the advise and get right off and tell others to do so to, but then eventually they would all get back on.

    Exactly, kjg. I am aware of someone who recently came back like gangbusters after abruptly dropping out of sight about 2 years ago. That is what led to my thread question.


  • DesirousOfChange

    All of a sudden, the WTS is pro-technology. Service Meeting parts on how to use your computer or ipad or iphone to research things on jw.org. And even how to set it as your homepage [how quaint], because God knows we don't want the technologically ignorant stumbling onto other "jw" websites [read: apostate, jwfacts?].

    Thus, the new & revised relaxed view is probably carrying over to using Facebook, even by those who had been strict about avoiding it. Fact of the matter is it is pretty damn difficult to find a JW that is NOT on Facebook.


  • nonjwspouse

    Well jw.org has a facebook page, or seems to.


    How is a JW supposed to know what to do? Oh that's right, that is the GOAL of the WT, keep them confused.

  • Rattigan350

    Why do you care about the WTS stance on anything?

  • nonjwspouse


    For me personally it is about wanting to know what my family member is being told about how to behave, what to think. Knowladge is power. I intend to be as fully informed as I possibly can.

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