miracle water.

by singsongboi 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • singsongboi

    nah! not a typo for miracle wheat, but i bet the pastor would have loved this one..!

    a small soft drink company in sydney, oz! is being besieged after some news stories this week. it's the distribution point for a product that's the personal idea of a dr russell becket.

    here's the link --.


    it's claimed to be serious -- well! don't they all.

    anyway here is the guts of the argument for benefit. (and it's a transcript-hence the less-than-clear english)

    DR RUSSELL BECKETT: I'd just like to say I'm the greatest sceptic of all time. That's why it's taken 20 years. We're not trying to make any money out of this, we're trying to get as many people on this.

    When we eat food, the food we eat we actually breathe out the next day as carbon dioxide. The food we don't absorb we pass out on the toilet, the food we absorb is broken down into carbon dioxide in our body. Now in the process of that carbon dioxide coming through the body, it does damage — it's in Alzheimer's disease, to osteoarthritis to osteoporosis.

    What you are doing in this water … there's magnesium bicarbonate. The bicarbonate is taken into cells and the dioxide dies inside the cells.

    It's not clear water and I don't know if we can pick this up, but it has got little bits in it. You need to shake it up before you drink it. I'm trying to show the folks at home these bits. If you look at it, look down the bottom there, you can maybe see what looks like what would be ... they are carbonates. We shake them back into bicarbonates — we have to prepare the product before they drink it.

    let you make your own judgement. but i havn't rushed across sydney for a few cartons.

  • sunscapes
    we pass out on the toilet

    Yup, that about describes my average bathroom experience.

  • VioletAnai

    And they're lining the streets for miles trying to get it.....fools! It's only WATER!!!

    It was a joke! And you fell for it like the fascists you are! - Rick - The Young Ones

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    first off, the stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which would react with the magnesium bicarbonate to yeild magnesium chloride and CARBON DIXODE GAS >burrrp!< which according to this fellow causes Alzheimer's.

    "Yes folks, for years you have been misled! Your metabolic processes are all wrong, and I'm going to fix them for you!"

    How do the "little bits" of carbonate floating in the water get INTO the cells, which are SMALLER than the "bits," since you can't SEE your cells?

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