Reciprocity- the word

by Band on the Run 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was part of a group in a town that despises education and sophisticstion. The lawyers here could compete for a stupid lawyer award. I grew up with a limited vocabulary. My parents sounded better thsn the others. JWs prob. account for it. My father was at Bethel a long time. I have no doubt that the JW experience exposed me to a wider world. I learned vocabulary words by memorizing long lists sll alone.

    No one made fun of me after gradeschool. Teachers made fun of my home's sloppy usage. Yesterday I uttered the overly complex, impossible word.I had the perfect NY retort. If I retort am I not as bad or worse than the very rude person. I just talk.If I were a special ed teacher, I would dumb down.Why is it acceptable to make fun of education? My crowd would be vicious back.

    My classmates did not have to memorize lists. No one laughed at their usage.I want to live with people who are not dolts. Reciprocity seems to be a simple word. I could have used the French word. I more than paid my dues. Jesus must give me extra points for keeping a NY retort to myself.

  • Bob_NC

    I mean no offense by the following observations. Your sentences meander so that the point of the sentence is lost. You have 3 paragraphs, indicating that the sentences within each paragraph are connected and support the same main point. They do not.

    I read the 3 paragraphs 3 times and still do follow what point you are attempting to make. Is it that you memorized word lists and therefore know the word "reciprocity"? Or that other people from your town are "dolts" and you are not? You don't even explain what is the "overly complex, impossible word." Help me out here.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Bob, You are the one meandering. Not me. You proved that you have zero class. NON

    Let us see how you do with a dinky smartphone screen. I have credentials and experience you woulf die to have. Must I mention large NY law firm psy check. One can never post here on peace snd be accepted. FY, o ignorant one, I post here for me. It is my private time. I rarely see any posts here that indicate extensive editing. Go f. yourself. DOLT to the nth degree. The person who laughed at me had no animus towards me. What a bloody fool

    I also must comment that compliments arrive by pm. Nastiness arrives publicly.

  • Bob_NC

    You are right. I stand corrected. I apologize.

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