Prayer of Renunciation

by TOTH 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    So, I have stated here that I am in the midst of what has so far been a fairly painless "FADE". I have over time decided that I am still a person of faith and am on the move in search of a good, Christian, Grace focused church to go to.

    While discussing this with my cousin Pete, (A lay minister with the Assemblies of God Church), he suggested that since I was involved with the wt that I should seriously consider offering up a prayer of renunciation. His point being that the wt is very much anti-Christ and steeped in many dark and occult teachings. He says that renouncing them as a Satanist would renounce Satan or a witc would renounce magic is in order.

    Has anyone else heard of this before? I would also like to know if writing a letter od disassociation fromt he wt is also a good idea from a spiritualpoint of view.

  • Laika

    I've not heard of that before, the Watchtower are many things but I don't think they are steeped in occult practices.

    Surely your conversion was a renunciation of the Watchtower?

    If it makes you feel happier in your Christian walk then go for it, it's not going to harm you, but you said you want a grace centered church, remember grace means that God did all the work for you, you're not condemned because you haven't said the right prayer.

  • Londo111

    I was invited to a cookout a few months ago and it turned out to my surprise to be a charismatic oriented event. I was amazed how similar to JWs they are. They use many of the same Scriptures. They are big on informal witnessing. They have the same “the end is very close” outlook. Like JWs, they see things very black and white. They are very legalistic, about law and works, rather than Grace. However, they are better at love bombing and have more bells and whistles than JWs. My point...consider the source of the advice…

  • NeverKnew

    I agree with Londo and Laika. The WT is steeped in practices, but are they of the occult?...naaaaa.

    I believe the proper perspective of Proverbs 4 is in order here... The light got brighter for you. :)

    Trust and believe that your heart and path are known by Him. You're already forgiven of any harm that was done.

    Londo - I'm with you on the Pentacostals.... that denomination isn't for me either.

  • LongHairGal


    I am also a "fader" but I feel if you or anybody wanted to offer up a prayer of renunciation regarding the JW religion, it would be personal. I suppose it would be symbolically scraping the last residue of the religion off the bottom of your shoes!

    Some do consider the JW religion to have occult sources (all their fixation with the pyramid, etc.). I don't see the necessity of sending a DA letter, but that's my opinion.

    I am in agreement with some posters here about other charismatic religions. To me, they are too similar to JWs and I am DONE with it.

  • Pistoff

    Surely it is time to leave all superstition behind, including the belief in Satan

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Yep I agree. Why not research the bibles history? Why not study ancient mythology and notice the similarities? Why not look into the impossibility of a global flood and an all knowing omnipotent creator?

    MUCH more fulfilling.

    You'll probably just ignore most of us that are telling you this... But... Please. Look deeper. Use the same logic that led you out of the WT! Then you can let go of your fear of the boogeyman Satan and your feeling of need to please a being who by his very nature doesn't needed ANYTHING from you.

  • TOTH

    Thank you all for sharing your views. I appreciate it greatly.

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