Disc Golf

by Glander 5 Replies latest social physical

  • Glander

    I have wanted to try it. We have a fantastic new course nearby and want to know if anyone plays it.

  • jam

    Great game. After I retired I took up golf. Don't make the mistake I made, take some lessons first. It's the only game I know where a man or woman of 60,s can compete with a 20 year old. My grandson (9 years old) have beat me on a few holes. What make the game so challengeing is not the physical aspect of the game but the mental part of the game.

    Some people take to the game and others just don't see the sense in hitting that white ball in a small cup. LOL

    But yes give it a try. I play once or twice a week.

  • DesirousOfChange

    A picture is worth a thousand words:

    Several courses in the parks here. My kids & friends have played.

    Old guys like me should probably stay with the ball & stick type.


  • Glander

    Thanks for the input, Jam. I am a mediocre golfer. Just good enough to enjoy a game with better golfers without embarassing myself!

    Disc golf (I call it Frisbee Golf) looks kind of fun. I have thrown frisbees at the beach and parks many times and had a pretty good arm. But the target was always another person or dog that would run to catch bad throws.

    Disc golf requires a lot of accuracy. The tee shots can be a good test of arm/wrist stamina. I know from experience that any new activity that employs the unused muscles of everyday life can really be sore in a couple of days.

  • jam

    Glander: LMAO. So sorry, nonjwspouse recently posted

    "you know you're getting old when". I have never heard of

    disc golf. I thought you were abbreviating Discover Golf (Disc).

    So funny. Thanks Desirousofchange, "A picture is worth a

    thousand words".

  • Glander

    Played a game and it was fun. I will do it again. The interesting thing about the course is that it is all natural terrain. No need of grass. Trees and bushes are the hazzards.

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