House of Judah - Former cult that used NWT

by logical1 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • logical1

    " “I would speculate (the house) to be the prophet’s. He was the dominant person, and he had the best, the biggest and the nicest,” Cain said while walking the property, which has since reverted to Allegan County, records show.

    One of the items Cain found in the house: A New World Translation of Holy Scriptures. It was ragged, crumbling to dust at the corners."

  • Kojack57

    It figures they would use a bible that was produced under the influence of the demons. That explains some of their twisted actions.

  • sarahsmile

    Former U.S. Attorney John Smietanka said it was heartbreaking “seeing how little kids were affected by the craziness. I don’t know if anybody (in House of Judah) leadership realized what they were doing was wrong. It was a cult mentality.

    I can say that about any adult Jehovahs Witness.

    Children do not have to be beaten or killed to suffer from cult mentality. Considering Jehovah's Witnesses isolate their children from any association with the outside world. JW children are neglected,withdrawn, and suffer from low self esteem. They have to sneak around to meet worldly friends and learn to keep secrets. Also, Jehovah's Witnesses children are vulnerable to pedophiles because the need to have close friends. Pedophiles set in the Kingdom Hall and watch and seek out certain children who are lonely. The process of grooming a child takes weeks and months. Many parents are clueless. Later some victims unknowly marry their pedophile. Sometimes parents only concerns is that they are Jehovahs Witnesses men and not worldy. How many young girls marry adult men. Inadvertently, many adult Jehovah's Witnesses are watching young girls get married to older men and choose to ignore the obvious.

    Today,outsiders can see how Jehovahs Witnesses neglect their childrens needs for socialization. Yet, parents in the JW organizations are clueless to their childrens needs. They neglect how important it is to be around children their own age and participating in worldly activities that help build self esteem which leads to normal relationships.

    Yes,I feel sorry for the children from the House of Judah who suffered from physical abuse and the 12 year who died in 1983. However this article has reminded me of years of isolation and lonliness I felt growing up as a JW.

  • BobFlanagan007

    Kojak57 said "It figures they would use a bible that was produced under the influence of the demons. That explains some of their twisted actions."

    Just out of curiousity do you really believe that or is your comment a joke?

  • Kojack57

    Bobflanagan007: Google "The watchtower and Johannes greber" there is all kinds of info on their relationship. Johannes greber was a roman catholic priest and the watchtower used his translation to support the NWT and he wrote that he got his information from demons.

    And no it's not a JOKE it's the real deal.

  • trebor

    BobFlanagan007, if you believe in demons, then it is far from a joke:

    Not only was the Watchtower Society fully aware of the strong occult ties and used the information in support of their teachings, doctrines, and translation of the Bible, they also tried to play dumb and act as if they just found out about his history after the fact.

    It is very similar to the Watchtower Society playing dumb about the requirements and agreements of an NGO when they were one under the United Nations.

    They play dumb, cover-up, and lie.

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