Kingdom Ministry of May 2013 Subtle use of "ALONE or only"

by ProfCNJ 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ProfCNJ

    1. Do JWs SOLEY possess the true teachings of Jehovah God on earth. In its Kingdom Ministry of May 2013 page 2, it states that “our magazine alone proclaims salvation…”. For us JW’s, we should welcome this as an encouraging statement that reinforces our faith. However, for an outsider or a non-JW, this would appear discriminatory or prejudicial. As a Christian witness, is there nothing on earth – other than the Watchtower, Awake & other Watchtower publications – that are in circulation which can help in educating people to learn about salvation or at least mold them into model Christians that would make them good candidates for salvation? Acts 10:34 is very clear that God shows no partiality and that “in every nation anyone who does what is right is acceptable to Him.” The word “anyone” is striking and defining. It does not mean a person should read alone WT publications to do what is right in God’s eyes to attain salvation neither it specified a particular organization or association as a requirement.

    With the booming population in the whole world that now stands at 7Billion, how can the WT do all the evangelizing work for the entire earth with JW’s numbering to only 7M+ given the fact that not all are active Witnesses? Would it be more Christian and loving to safely assume that there are other materials out there, which JW's have not read nor made accessible to them – which contain spiritually uplifting information essential for mankind’s salvation as well? Would it be more Christ-like to say there are beliefs, movements, and other groups outside of Jehovah’s organization that are also acceptable to our loving Creator, the source of infinite wisdom and love, a loving God who does not discriminate, who saved the whole mankind from eternal damnation through Christ? Can God just be mobilizing one group – and the rest of similarly practicing Christians He does not approve of? That was true during the time of Israel when there was only one nation with God’s approval. But after the descent and resurrection of the Son of God, it does not matter if one is a Jew or not to receive God’s approval.

    The statement in the Kingdom Ministry appears absolute, taking away all the integrity of published materials from other Christian religions or movements. I began asking myself: Does the WT have the MONOPOLY of accurate knowledge on the TRUTH about salvation? Has the WT researched, compared, and dissected WITHOUT BIAS ALL available information out in the market that lead them to conclude - in absolute terms - that their magazines alone contain the truth that leads to salvation?

    The articles we read from the WT and Awake were not written out of nowhere as if all things are original. While WT articles are presented in such an organized fashion with even non-JWs giving their unselfish compliments, they were a product of extensive research obtained from other published sources. In fact, WT has affiliated itself with the UN to gain access to its library and gather useful data for its own use.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    It is pure WT provincialist tripe.

    Does the WT have the MONOPOLY of accurate knowledge on the TRUTH about salvation? Has the WT researched, compared, and dissected WITHOUT BIAS ALL available information out in the market that lead them to conclude - in absolute terms - that their magazines alone contain the truth that leads to salvation?

    When making untenable claims research is not necessary.

    WT does not even accept its own teachings as "truth", as the organization is constantly discarding or re-inventing core doctrines, all under the label of "new light".

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