Jotham Article for Children...

by losingit 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • losingit

    I am disfellowshipped, separated from my husband, and have been "lurking" for some time. Only because I was so unbelievably lonely for being disfellowshipped, I was missing my "friends" terribly, did I even bump into this site. I googled "lonely and disfellowshipped" and a stream of experiences appeared on the screen. Then jwfacts, and the train soon left the station. I always had doubts. Apparently, I never really believed "the truth" as I came to see from all that I've read so far. I realized about a year ago that I came into the religion only for the sake of my husband who was inactive when we met, then disfellowshipped shortly before we married, then reinstated soon afterwards. I was that worldly girl you are supposed to admire from afar. This is my first post.

    I went onto and was shocked by the article: Jotham Remained Faithful Despite Troubles at Home

    " What if your father or mother stopped worshipping Jehovah? That would make it very hard for you, wouldn’t it? — But it is not wrong to think about such a thing happening. A look at what David wrote in the Bible shows us this."

    The italics and the bold letters are not mine, but the article's. My problem: The organization is THINKING for the CHILD, telling the child that life is now difficult because the parent left Jehovah. They tell the child that the parent left Jehovah, not the organization, thereby equating the organization with Jehovah. Also, it states that the parent LEFT when it may be the case that the parent was forced out.

    This is all VERY BOLD.

    Here's another section that is disturbing:

    "David’s father, Jesse, was a good man. He served Jehovah, and we can be sure that David loved his father. But David learned to love Jehovah even more than he loved Jesse. Let’s see why we know this.

    Please turn in the Bible to Psalm 27:10. David wrote here: “In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up.” Think about this: What the Bible is saying is that ifDavid’s father, Jesse, or his mother should stop serving Jehovah, David would keep on serving Him."

    That text clearly says that if the parent were to abandon the child, Jehovah would be there. It could even mean that the parents died, thereby leaving the child. The text makes NO COMMENT about that parent LEAVING JEHOVAH. The purpose of the article is NOT to provide support to the child that may be confused about how their disfellowshipped parent is being treated in the Kingdom Hall. The purpose of the article is to drive a WEDGE between parent and child!

    Furthermore, look at this lovely illustration:

    So I guess immediately after the parent is disfellowshipped or is no longer serving Jehovah, priority number one is to watch a violent movie while smoking and having a drink. And, look at his facial hair! The message is RIDICULOUS. Unfortunately, it is also DANGEROUS.


  • crmsicl

    Hi and welcome. Leaving JW is a life altering experience. We go through the stages of loss and grief. This is a great place to help work through it.

    The internet is such a great tool. Not just because of this site but because a person can get answers that they need just by typing in "lonely and disfellowshipped".

  • Comatose

    Welcome! So glad to have you. You are among friends here. I agree with you. The article is disturbing. Look forward to hearing more from you.

  • GLTirebiter

    Welcome, losingit!

    That would make it very hard for you, wouldn’t it?

    That sentence is important because it is a logical fallacy [links to pdf], a version of "begging the question". That fallacy relates to questions that presume their own answer. They are presenting the Watchtower's opinions (a parent who "stops worshipping Jehovah" is bad for the family, anybody leaves the Watchtower organization has turned against God, "apostates" should be avoided, etc.) as undisputed facts.

    Seeing this manipulation as what it is an important first step in vaccinating yourself against the mind control.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Welcome to the forum loseingit.

    It is sad to here your story, though so many have had similar experiences.

    Your pseudonym says alot. However, I hope, and it is altogether possible, that in the future you will look back on this choice with a smile, realising just how far you've come. In the meantime, you will find friends here, some who you will sympathise with more than others.

    And the beauty is, this site is active 24 hours a day. You can always find someone on line.

    Good luck with your future, and again, welcome.


  • Watchtower-Free

    Welcome aboard!

    I'm currently being shunned by 20 close family . I'm not even DFed .

    I just did some research and started asking to many uncomfortable questions

    before I learned to keep my mouth shut to deluded cultists .

    I'm in my 50s bornin . I'm just sick my precious grandchildren are being brought up as JWs .



    This story reminds me of my Dad, the rotten un-believer that he is. All he ever did was work so that we could have food, clothing and shelter. I never heard 1 single complaint from him either. He smokes too. According to the latest DC smoking is in the same category as fornication and demonism. Our CO said that he will die if not baptized and in the " ARK " aka Organization.

    I have to make sure to let him know how much I love Jehovah more than him, each and every time we are together...

  • losingit

    Thank you everyone for your welcome. I know I will eventually post more of my experience online. I do believe that the WTS destroyed my marriage. I also believe that they sought me, "recruited me"when I was at my most vulnerable. I was in an abusive relationship before I got dunked, and I bought into the love bombing. Now I wish I had known more about the organization-- the inside scoop, so that I could play the game. I didn't even know the inside scoop when I was *years* in. I had my doubts and discussed them privately with my husband. But I loved my husband and I would've done anything for him. And I did-- I got baptized when I really didn't want to at all. I just don't play games well-- too straightforward for most people's liking, so I'd probably still be here. I was NOT a favorite amongst any of the elders, or any of the men, now that I think of it. I thought, and continue to think too much for my own good.....

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