Okay, there are two passages in the August 2013 Study Edition that have me burning with a question. Usually when the pdf's are made available, I like to count how many times they use words like "disfellowship" or "Organization." Here are the two passages:
Watchtower Study Edition Pg. 13, Par. 15
When the Israelites questioned Aaron's appointment and position, Jehovah viewed that action as murmuring against Him. (Num 17:10) Similarly, if we start grumbling and murmuring about those whom Jehovah is using to direct the earthly part of his organization, we could by inference be complaining about Jehovah.-Heb 13:7,17
Watchtower Study Edition Pg. 29 Elisha Saw Fiery Chariots (Elisha Stuck to His Assignment)
Elisha set a fine example for us. If we receive some privelage or service in God's organization, we will value it highly if we bear in mind that we are serving Jehovah. No greater honor exists. Ps 65:4, 84:10
My question:
I get that cults affect the critical thinking abilities of membership, but how in the blue hell (it's blue now) do people inside not see the dung pile of self-serving, self-anointing bullcrap that the Watchtower prints?