As a JW, were you easily lead ?

by Phizzy 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    The reason I ask is that, in the wake of the brutal murder of a serving soldier in Woolwich, the second murderer/accomplice Michael Adobowale, the son of JW's at one time, is described by ex-schoolfriends of his as, "easily lead".

    When we were being brainwashed and controlled by the WT, we were told to suspend our critical thinking skills, but more pertinately, our consciences, which would be supplied by the WT.

    If necessary, we would sacrifice the life of one of our babies because the WT/JW cult told us to.

    Does not such an upbringing leave a young man like Michael/Toby vulnerable to the influence of baleful people like the rabid, hate-preaching Clerics of Radical Islam who have for too long influenced young men to carry out appalling acts ?

    He has no real personal moral compass, in his formative years it was drummed in to him at JW Meetings what he should think and feel, he should ignore as from Satan himself any dissenting thought or feeling within him,the same regime within radical Islam has produced this young man willing to take part in a terrible crime against humanity.

    There, but for the Grace of God, go you or I.

  • happytobefree

    I think you are stretching it...because if he was raised a JW did not contribute to his sick radical beliefs.

    Also, remember JW's is a very small sect and alot of crimes/religious or not are contributed by people of a lot of different religuous backgrounds.

    This guy was just a SICK BASTARD!!! PERIOD!!!

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